
Páginas: 54 (13435 palabras) Publicado: 5 de septiembre de 2012
By Gerry Spence

Argument: The ‘Hammer & Nails’ with which he constructs winning cases.
The greatest gift is the gift of learning; not complete until it is passed on.
Argument is the affirmation of our being.
Argument is the principal instrument of human intercourse.
We must argue: To Help, Warn, Lead, Love, toCreate, Learn, Enjoy Justice, to BE.
The Art of Argument is the Art of Living
We argue because we must. Life itself demands it.
Because, at last, Life itself…is but an argument.
It is indeed an ART. There is a technique; a mindset. But, EVERYONE can make a winning argument (anywhere).
The Powerful Argument comes, not from disavowing our Divine Uniqueness in favor of someone else’s style,or values, but from tapping into the wondrous well of our own personhood.
Why do we fail to win when we argue? The enemy is not the other, or our lack of voice or presence, lack of genius, wit, or words. We fail because we affix certain locks to ourselves, that imprison our arg., bar us from assuming a successful stance and adopting a winning method. We will identify the disabling Locks andthe enabling Keys.
The Locks are Yours. But so are the Keys.
Let us learn how both to argue and how not to argue; to combat the powers of others and to empower ourselves; to recognize our fear and overcome it…to create, to sing, and to let our souls run free.
Let us proceed with unrestrained passion in our play.
Let us learn how to argue, and to win…every time.
Learn to open the doors and freethe psyche. Why Argue?
LOCK 1: “I don’t like to argue, and I don’t like people who do. So why not try to get along? Besides, when I argue, I lose.”
Remember, we were born to make the winning argument.
We don’t need silver hair or booming voice; we can speak quietly in our kitchens and win. We don’t need speech lessons, or vocabulary. With our bosses, our spouses…
But locked in ourpsychic closets, we can never make a winning argument. Sometimes we’ve locked ourselves in; sometimes, by parents or teachers, or ourselves.
How did we get so bound up, so hunkered down, so mute?
From the moment we were born, we have been conditioned to avoid confrontation1. Cries muffled w/bottles. We’ve been taught as puppies are taught: “Don’t bark.” Parents, teachers, preachers, priestsunleashed immense pressures upon us. They forced us to accept their ways, their religion, their philosophy, their values; conventions, politics; their…wisdom. The powers of community norms create boundaries of mind and spirit that stand intolerant of challenge. We’ve been turned into walking, lumbering, laboring, …mostly trouble-free machinery.
We’ve learned it is better to conform than tobe. “Argue? How dare we argue!”

But the human spirit is like the dandelion growing in the garden.
We should discover and cherish that little hair-root that is each of us.

KEY 1: We need only give ourselves permission-our permission- to look out of our little closets; step out, look around, ask questions, demand respect, share our creativity and ideas; to speak out; search for love; seekjustice; TO BE.

LOCK 2: “I’m afraid to argue; it just causes trouble. How can we argue with people we love; alienate our families; anger our friends, our fellow workers, our employers? You only lose when you argue.” Our experience affirms that “Silence is safe.” This fear that disables us…how do we deal with it?

KEY 2: Fear is our ally. Fear confirms US. Fear is ENERGY that isconvertible to power – OUR POWER. Fear is friend and foe alike; adversary and ally. Fear is painful. Yet, it challenges me. It energizes my senses. In the presence of fear, I become alert.
I have learned not to be ashamed of my fear, but to embrace it.
One cannot be brave without it; for is not our bravery merely the facing of our fear?
Fear confirms that at my heart core, life, not death, is...
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