
Páginas: 36 (8967 palabras) Publicado: 30 de marzo de 2012



Página 7

A Social Cognitive perspective on Positive
Stanford University

This article addresses positive psychology from the agentic perspective of social cognitive theory. There is a difference
between pursuing happiness and achieving it through meaningful pursuits. Perceived well-being and satisfaction are
derivedfrom how one lives one’s life not just from episodic good feelings or transient pleasures. Social cognitive theory
addresses well-being and satisfaction in terms of commitment to a valued future and enablement to take the steps to realise
it. The state of one’s satisfaction and well-being is determined, in large part, relationally rather than solely by objective
life conditions.Self-satisfaction and subjective well-being are rooted in temporal comparison on whether one’s life is better
or worse than in the past; social comparison on whether the quality of one’s life compares favourably or unfavourably
with the quality of life others enjoy; and aspirational comparison on how one’s life status measures against the life
ambition one set for oneself.
Keywords: Positive Psychology,Social Cognitive Theory.

Una perspectiva social cognitiva de la
psicología positiva
Este artículo aborda la psicología positiva desde la perspectiva de la agencia humana de la teoría social cognitiva.
Hay una diferencia entre la búsqueda de la felicidad y su consecución a través de actividades significativas. El bienestar
y la satisfacción percibidos se derivan de cómo uno vive lavida, y no sólo de buenas sensaciones episódicas o de placeres
transitorios. La teoría social cognitiva plantea el bienestar y la satisfacción en términos de compromiso con un futuro
valioso y la capacidad de adoptar las medidas para lograrlo. El grado de satisfacción y de bienestar propios está determinado en gran parte por las relaciones, y no sólo vienen dados por las condiciones objetivas devida. La autosatisfacción y el
bienestar subjetivo se basan en comparaciones que pretenden establecer si la vida propia actual es mejor o peor con respecto
al pasado; en la comparación social sobre si la calidad de vida propia se compara favorable o desfavorablemente con la
calidad de vida de otros; y en las comparaciones aspiracionales entre el estatus propio y las ambiciones vitales establecidaspara uno mismo.
Palabras clave: Psicología positiva, Teoría Social Cognitiva.

Acknowledgment: Some sections of this article include revised and updated material from: Bandura, A. (2008). An agentic
perspective on positive psychology. In S. J Lopez (Ed.). Positive psychology: Exploring the best in people (Vol. 1, pp.
167-196). Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Company.
Author’s Address:Albert Bandura. Department of Psychology. Stanford University, Jordan Hall, Building 420 Room
134. California 94305 (USA). E-mail
Original recibido: agosto, 2010. Aceptado: septiembre, 2010.
© 2011 by Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje, ISSN: 0213-4748

Revista de Psicología Social, 2011, 26 (1), 7-20





Página 8

Revista dePsicología Social, 2011, 26 (1), pp. 7-20

The present article addresses the field of positive psychology from the agentic
perspective of Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) (Bandura, 1986; 2006). To be an agent is
to influence one’s psychosocial and emotional life and the environmental events that
affect it. In this view, people are contributors to their life circumstances not just
products ofthem. A review of the different aspects of SCT is beyond the scope of this
article. The theory is presented elsewhere in some detail (Bandura, 1986; 2008).
Among the mechanisms of agency none is more central or pervasive than beliefs of
personal efficacy. This core belief is the foundation of human motivation, well-being
and accomplishments. Unless people believe they can produce desired...
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