Bilbo's transformation in the hobbit by j.r.r tolkien

Páginas: 2 (463 palabras) Publicado: 1 de septiembre de 2012
“The Hobbit” by J.R.R Tolkien narrates the story of a hobbit named Bilbo Baggins on a quest with
13 dwarves and a wizard to retrieve riches and treasure from the dragon Smaug , who had stolen ityears before. The novel takes place in the Land of the Middle Earth, beginning and ending in the Village
of Hobbiton. Throughout the story, Bilbo’s attitude towards the adventure evolves from being aconservative personality to an outgoing and heroic type, becoming a venerable character.

Bilbo’s first meet with a personality change is when he and the 13 dwarves stumble across
strange lights.The dwarves send Bilbo to investigate and find out that the lights come from the stone
giants, who at that moment are having a feast of roast mutton. Given that Bilbo is the burglar in the
throng, heis sent to purloin the food the giants have, and any riches if found. At this point Bilbo
demonstrates a cowardly attitude as to sneaking up on the giants. Bilbo is caught and cannot yet defendhimself and escape them. He relies on the help of Gandalf and the dwarves to come and rescue him,
showing he is not apt to being a robber.

The second twist in his attitude is when he encountershimself with Gollum in the caves of the
goblins. The only way for Bilbo to escape from Gollum is through a series of riddles they ask each other,
if Bilbo is to answer incorrectly then Gollum eats him.If Gollum gets a riddle wrong, Gollum must show
Bilbo to the exit of the caves. Throughout this time, Bilbo maintains a tranquil attitude and uses his wits
to defeat the strange creature. By the wayTolkien describes Bilbo’s feelings, we can assume Bilbo is not
cowardly as before, this time he rises up to the challenge and triumphs.

The third and final personality change for Bilbo was whenhis friends, the dwarves, are captured
by arachnids and Bilbo decides he is the one who must rescue them. Bilbo distracts the spiders by luring
them far from their prisoners, then he hurries back to...
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