
Páginas: 2 (490 palabras) Publicado: 14 de diciembre de 2010
Pancho Villa
Jose Doroteo Arango Arámbula, better known as Pancho Villa, was a leader during the Mexican Revolution. He was born on Jun 5,1878 in Durango, México. His parents were Agustin Arango andMicaela Arámbula. During the Mexican Revolution was the commander of the División del Norte and was known as El Centaruro del Norte.
He dedicated since childhood to work in the fields so he soonbecame an excellent horsemen. As a teenager he was orphaned and defended a sister of one of the owners of the farm where he worked, so he fled and change his name by wich he bacame famous around theworld, Francisco Villa. For a period of time Villa practiced banditry in the group od bandits of Ignacio Parra. He remained in the band until one of the members killed an elder.
In 1910 he joined theMadero's movement, first through is friend Eleuterio Soto and then by Abraham Gonzáles. At the begining Villa was a rebel without a cause, but after meeting Abraham Gonzáles he receibed the educationthat introduced him in the poltics and that changed his vision of his own life. On November 17, 1910 he attacked the Hacienda de Cavaría and since that day he recruit people for his army. In thearmed struggle was distinguished by its boldness and organizatio. After trying to take Chihuahua he had his firts victory: take Ciudad Juárez. He fight with the Division del Norte Federal, commanded byVictoriano Huerta, he was jelous of Villa so he process him for insubordination and ordered his execution. But Madero saved his life and was sent to prison in Santiago Tlatelolco. At he end of 1912 heescaped from prision with the help of Carlos Jauregui and decided to take up arms against the government of Victoriano Huerta to the calls of the leaders of the north, leaded by Venustiano Carranza.InSeptember 1913 was formed the Disisión del Norte del Ejército Constitucionalista and the in November he attacked Casas Grandes and Ciudad Juarez. In 1914, Venustiano Carranza cited a convention of...
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