
Páginas: 7 (1570 palabras) Publicado: 8 de abril de 2011
Albert Einstein. (2011). Retrieved 09:07, Mar 22, 2011 from
Albert Einstein.(June 7,2006). Albert Einstein(1879-1955). Retrieved 08:16, Mar 22, 2011 from
People and Discoveries.(1998).People and Discoveries/A Science Odyssey. Retrieved 08:30, Mar 22,2011 from
The StarChild Team.(n.d.).Albert Einstein. Retrieved 07:44, Mar 22, 2011 from

Albert Einstein lived an interesting life from March 14, 1879 to April 18, 1955. During this time he struggled and succeeded with society and with himself. He was not alwaysaccepted because of his views and his personality (Biography, 2011, pg. 9). He was slow to speak and was not seen as the smartest child in the world (People and Discoveries, 1998), but his findings still win him recognitions and awards (Albert Einstein, 2011, pg. 9). In 1884 when Albert Einstein was just five years old he discovered and was immediately fascinated with a compass (Biography, 2011,pg.1). This fascination would follow him throughout his life and thus leading him to reveal how gravity from the stars and planets keep everything in motion. At age twelve Einstein was given a book of geometry and with it Einstein taught himself (The StarChild Team, n.d,). In school, Einstein had an amazing mind, but he was not popular with teachers or with his classmates. He lacked any physicalabilities to do any type of sports and for a couple of times in his life time Albert Einstein was doomed to fail (Biography, 2011). In the years of his young adulthood, Einstein experienced many obstacles in his path to greatness. He was in love and wanted to marry a woman named Mileva Maric, but two things were stopping him from doing so. His parents did not agree with their relationship due to thefact that Maric was Serbic and from an Eastern Orthodox Christian family and Einstein could not find a job. The reason for this was that he requested a letter of recommendation from a particular teacher, who did not personally like him (Biography, 2011, pg. 2). Einstein stated, “I would have found a job long ago if Weber had not played a dishonest game with me,” (Biography, 2011, pg. 2). In 1902Einstein’s luck changed when a friend’s father recommended him for a job at a Swiss patent office and Einstein got the blessing of marriage. Unfortunately the blessing came from his father right before he died of a sudden illness (Biography, 2011, pg. 2). In the seven years to come Albert Einstein wrote and published five articles in Physics (People and Discoveries, 1998). He was later awarded a NobelPrize for one of these papers in which he explains the photoelectric effect (People and Discoveries, 1998). Also around this time; since he was asked to speak in various lectures and was always traveling, his marriage ended. They had three kids together before separating. One of which was given up for adoption in the early years in which they had no way of supporting a baby. Einstein remarriedthough to a cousin named Elsa Lowenthal, but he did promise his first wife the money to his first Nobel Prize. Albert Einstein enjoyed few fruitful years in physics, but his work was put on hold because of World War I. during this time Einstein was obligated to leave and renounce to his German citizenship (People and Discoveries, 1998). Because he was a pacifist, a Jew and given that his theories inphysics went against what the Nazis believed, Einstein was a seen as a threat to them (People and Discoveries, 1998). Therefore he fled to California. When he was there, Albert Einstein joined the Princeton staff where he stayed till he passed away. Before he died, Einstein continued to make a contribution in this world. He left us with insightful quotes like, “The most incomprehensible thing...
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