Bulimia (Ingles)

Páginas: 3 (527 palabras) Publicado: 13 de enero de 2013
What is bulimia?

Bulimia is an eating disorder, in which a person binges and purges on food, or consumes a large amount of food in a short amount of time followed by an attempt to rid oneself ofthe food consumed, typically by vomiting, taking a laxative or diuretic, and/or excessive exercise, to prevent weight gain.
Bulimia nervosa is nine times more likely to occur in women than men. Thereare higher rates of eating disorders in groups involved in activities which idealize a slim physique, such as dance, gymnastics, modeling, cheerleading, running, acting, swimming, diving, rowing andfigure skating.


The exact cause of bulimia is unknown. Genetic, psychological, trauma, family, society, or cultural factors may play a role. Bulimia is likely due to more than one factor.Almost all individuals with bulimia nervosa also have an additional psychiatric disorder. Common comorbidities are mood disorders, anxiety, impulse control, and substance-misuse disorders.Another possible cause of bulimia is the importance given by society to be thin. Teenage girls are the most affected by this, as they admire thin models and want to be like them, and that leads them tobulimia.


In bulimia, eating binges may occur as often as several times a day for many months.
Most common symptoms:
* Forcing yourself to vomit.
* Dehydration
*Electrolyte imbalance
* Esophagitis
* Rupture in the esophageal wall
* Oral trauma
* Gastroparesis
* Constipation
* Infertility
* Enlarged glands in the neck
* Peptic ulcers* Scars on back of hands
* Constant weight fluctuations
* Excessive exercise

The frequent contact between teeth and gastric acid, may cause:
* Severe dental erosion
*Perimolysis, or the erosion of tooth enamel
* Swollen salivary glands
* Gastroesophageal reflux


* Fixation on amount of calories consumed
* Fixated and extremely conscious...
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