Cáritas in veritate

Páginas: 6 (1283 palabras) Publicado: 20 de noviembre de 2010
* Objectives
* Differentiate whether it’s an encyclical, letter or document and why.
* Know what it is about and why was it written.
* Learn a little more about its author.
* Fully understand what it says and its purpose.
* Improve our research ability.

* Type of Document
* Encyclical Letter; to the bishops, priests and deacons,men ando women religious, the lay faithful, and all people of good will on integral human development in charity and truth.

* Biography of the Author
* Pope Benedict XVI
* Real Name: Joseph Alois Ratzinger
* From: Baviera, Germany
* Was a theology teacher.
* In June 25th of 1951 along with his brother Georgh received the Sacrament of Holy Ordersfrom the Freising Cathedral.
* In 1972, along with Hans Urs Von Balthasar, Henri de Lubac, and others founded the theological publication “Communio”, today published in 17 languages and has become in one of the most catholic influential publications in the world.
* Wrote the following encyclicals: “Deus caritas est”, “Spe Salvi” and “Caritas in Veritate”
* On March of2007 published his first Apostolic Exhortation, in which he reaffirms the Eucharistic value and its meaning comes from the love of Christ and is projected to love all men.
* It is said that in the 2010 he will publish the Exhortation about the Synod of Bishops.
* One of the critics that Benedict XVI has received was because of a speech that he gave in 2006 in which Muslims gotmad at him because they considered that he was insensible because he cited an antique text in which every Muslim was called violent and evil. Afterwards the Pope gave another speech saying that his words were misunderstood and apologized.

* Why was it written?
* Give us an idea and tell us that love is and extraordinary force which leads people to opt for courageous and generousengagement in the field of justice and peace. It is a force that has its origin in God, Eternal Love and Absolute Truth. Each person finds his good by adherence to God's plan for him, in order to realize it fully: in this plan, he finds his truth, and through adherence to this truth he becomes free, mostly expressed in several forms of charity.
* The 10 most important elements.
1.The Pope remembers that charity is the key to Catholic Social Doctrine and he dares to say that a Christian with charity but without the truth can easily get confused with only good feelings, profitable for the society, but marginal. The Pope claims that St Paul’s phrase veritas in caritate is complementary with caritas in veritate because both truth and charity are found in response to God, who isEternal Love and Absolute Truth.
2. Using economy as an institution that will help us to create a better place to live, to make of this a better world, in the bases of Christianism. Thereby, knowing that economy power is not enough without connecting this to our faith and to our duties.
3. Knowing that the human race is one single family, being all together, searching for the common goodof our family: the human race.
4. We need to know that we have been called to behave in service of our community, of our neighbor, of our beloved, but not just them, but everyone and everything, because the world is not ours, but we have been called to manage it for good.
5. Humanism that excludes God is not real humanism, but inhuman humanism. This means we have to behave according to whatGod says, believing in him always and above anything.
6. “In promoting development, - Benedict writes- the Christian faith does not rely on privilege or positions of power, nor even on the merits of Christians, but only on Christ, to whom every authentic vocation to integral human development must be directed.” The true reasons of the underdevelopment are not principally on material order;...
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