Can't can

Páginas: 2 (373 palabras) Publicado: 2 de junio de 2011
DORA: hello, that this very good morning

CAMILO: hello, good morning, breaking news, a few hours ago there was a terrible earthquake in the city of Japan, says it was an earthquake of magnitude9.0 earthquake that created waves up to 10 m.

DORA: The earthquake's epicenter was located in the sea off the coast of Honshu, 130 km east of Sendai, in Miyagi Prefecture, Japan. At first wecalculated the magnitude at 7.9 degrees which was later increased to 8.8, then to 8.9 degrees by the Geological Survey of the United States. Finally to 9.0 degrees confirmed by the Japan MeteorologicalAgency and the Geological Survey of the United States.

CAMILO: The earthquake lasted about 2 minutes according to experts. The U.S. Geological Survey said the earthquake occurred due to a shift in thezone near the interface between the sub ducting plate between the Pacific Plate and the North American plate. At the latitude where the earthquake occurred, the Pacific plate moves westward over theNorth American plate at a speed of 83 mm / year. The Pacific plate moves under Japan in the Japan Trench, and sinks beneath west Asia.

DORA is said that two days before this earthquake waspreceded by another major earthquake, but of lesser magnitude, and had an intensity of 7.2 at a depth of 14.1 kilometers. Also on the authorities of the Japan Meteorological Agency gave a tsunami alert, butonly locally, to the east coast of that country.

CAMILO, and now has declared a state of emergency in the Fukushima nuclear plant 1 of the Tokyo Electric Power Company because of the failure ofthe cooling systems of one of the reactors, it is reported that there were no radiation leaks.

DORA: The reactor is cooled by circulating water through its nuclear fuel, has found a high steampressure in the reactor about 2 times the level permitted. The Tokyo Electric Power Company evaluates release some of the steam to reduce pressure in the reactor, the steam may contain radioactive...
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