Castigo Para Los Violadores

Páginas: 7 (1604 palabras) Publicado: 4 de julio de 2012
June 1, 2012
In México City exist high percentage of rapes, according to estimates by the Ministry of Health (SSA), in Mexico occur around the year 120 000 violations, most of the victims, women between 10 and 20 years are almost always attacked by relatives. V. Romero (2011), a writer and specialist at the Autonomous University of Mexico State (UAEM), once said “the violation is intentionalbehavior used by one person to gain control over another and limit their autonomy”. This means that rapist are conscious about their acts and about the consequence. Therefore should be important use severe punishment to this people who attacks the life of the victims because the damage is irreversible. Around the world exist different ways to punish this kind of crime, in some countries theaggressor is sentenced to life imprisonment, while in other countries the aggressor full fit some times in prison then they are granted their freedom or they can pay to get their freedom. But other way that some people see like a solution is to give therapy to the rapist to improve and change the behavior, but this argument is part of the solution, but it’s not all solution to the problem, in fact exitsthe risk that the rapist has been committed again, a criminal must be pay in the jail and provide something to society to repair some damage caused, in addition, don’t exist reason to pay a treatment to a criminal. Its not necessary to treat this kind of person after the rape, in this case the therapy must be before whit a preventive diagnosis. On the other hand rape has many repercussions to thevictim’s life; they never see this life never is the same after the aggression, in other words the victims should be receive a treatment not the rapist
The rape cannot be seen from the clinical model, making the rapist a mentally ill and excludes all liability, according to V. Romero (2011) “rapist's ideology draws from the same culture from which a culture which codes for women, giving thecategory of object that can have”, the rape must be seen from justice mode son its very important to remark that people who suffer this kind of violence has immediate effects such as depression, insomnia or problems socializing with their peers, and later, as a rejection of his body, a nasty vision of sexuality, disruption of schooling and vulnerability to poverty. however actually in our countryexist different point of view about how this kind of crime should be punished; a group people suggest jail and capital punishment is the better solution to punish this act but other group of people think to give therapy is a better way to offset the damage because they are taking the aggressor like a sick people not like a criminal, and the other argument that they are keeping is aboutthe poor condition of jail in our country even though this way of “punish” is unfair is contradictory to want a better life for someone who destroyed the life of somebody else innocent, the condition of Mexican jail´s probably not are the best but these people do not deserve more than this and the function of this places its punish any kind of crime. In addition jail is better option becausefirst of all the aggressor have to pay for moral and social damage done, secondly the victims suffer re experiencing trauma all their lives and finally therapy is more expensive than jail.
Moral and social damage, victims never cant return to their normal life after this event, the moral damage can follow people through all the life and one way it shows up in the lives of survivors is adiminished interest in living. It is not that they are suicidal, but they have no interest in their children, in their jobs, and what feelings they do experience have a very narrow range also this people never regains confidence in their self. The idea that has lost value as a woman from the episode is present along with the blame for the decisions that affected the violation, each family's reaction is...
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