Codigo De Etica

Páginas: 9 (2143 palabras) Publicado: 12 de marzo de 2013
Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas
Escuela de Lenguas Tuxtla
Licenciatura en Enseñanza del Ingles

The Communicative Approach

Espinosa, Rocío 7
Marzo, 5. 2013

I. Introduction.

My name is Stephanie del Rocío Espinosa Córdoba and I’m 21 years old. I was born in Tuxtla Gutiérrez Chiapas in 1991.
I studied high school in Escuela Preparatoria del Estado N. 7 and I consider that was thebest time of my life until now. At this school I met my best friends and a teacher that is my inspiration, she was my Literature Teacher and is for her that now I love reading books and I try to keep always learning something new.
My favorite book is Rayuela by Julio Cortázar but I have read another books like: Batallas en el Desierto by José Emilio Pacheco, El Anticristo by Friedrich Nietzsche,Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carroll, Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert, El Príncipe by Nicolas Maquiavelo, La Caverna by José Saramago, El fin del Mundo by Haruki Murakami, El Secreto by Rhonda Byrne, El Niño del Pijama de Rayas by John Boyne, Muchas Vidas Muchos Maestros by Brian Weiss, The cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe, Memoria de mis PutasTristes by Gabriel García Márquez, La Tregua by Mario Benedetti, among others.
I’m an university student, I study bachelor on education at the Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas and I love my career, because it doesn’t treat just about English, it’s about how to teach a language, how to be a good teacher and all the methods you can use to do that.
There are some methods that a teacher can use forreach that I said before but this project it’s about one of them, about The Communicative Approach and how useful it is.

Semantic field.

A set of words (or lexemes) related in meaning. Linguist Adrienne Lehrer has defined semantic field more specifically as “a set of lexemes which cover a certain conceptual domain and which bear certain specifiable relations to one another”
When a text has atopic or subject that a group of words related to, for example if a passage of writing included the words “heart”, “flower”, “music”, “passion”, the semantic field would most likely be considered ‘love’.(Lehrer:1985)

Formative Field
There are eight golf training (personal and social development, language and communication, mathematical thinking, exploration and knowledge of the world,expression and artistic appreciation, physical development and health, tradition and culture, ethics and civical behaviors) which will indicate the educational intent, these are divided into aspects which in skills are divided into which indicate what the child will favor more specifically.(Lehrer:1985)

II. What’s an approach?

Approach: This refers to ‘theories about the nature of language andlanguage learning that serve as the source of practices and principles in language teaching’ (Richards and Rogers 1986: 16). An approach describes how language is used and how its constituent parts interlock – in other words it offers a model of language competence. An approach describes how people acquire their knowledge of the language and makes statements about the conditions which will promotesuccessful language learning.
Popular methodology includes ideas at all the various levels we have discussed, and it is these approaches which influence the current state of English language teaching. (Harmer: 2001)
In addition to the Grammar-Translation Approach, the Direct Approach, the Reading Approach, the Audiolingual Approach, and the Oral-Situational Approach, there are four otherdiscernible approaches to foreign language teaching that development and were widely used during the final quarter of the twentieth century. (Celce-Murcia: 2011)

III. What’s the Communicative Approach?

The ‘how to teach aspect’ of the Communicative approach is closely related to the idea that ‘language learning will take care of itself’, and that plentiful exposure to language in use and...
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