Company profile

Páginas: 2 (313 palabras) Publicado: 13 de enero de 2012
Company profile

Llanquihue Cecinas

Moding Brothers SA is a family business located in the town of Llanquihue, southernChile, in the Tenth Region of Los Lagos. The company was foundedbydescendants of settlers who arrived in Chile in 1852.
Strümphfelbach from southern Germany. Its beginning was in 1914 with a small butcher shop, which in 1935became a sausage factory, where they areproduced sausages, sausages, sausages, hams, salamis, pates, among other products, grow through the years according to the developments and market demand.
Currently, moding Brothers SA is a verticallyintegrated company, involved in the process from raising animals on pasture own, to distribution of products at point ofsale. It has modern facilities and cutting-edge German technology to let you get thefinal result, a product of the highest quality and recognized nationally, with an annual production of 7000 tons, with more than 700 employees nationwide and an industrial park in the cityof Llanquihue of 22,000 m2.

Our Mission

Maintaining the trust of our customers through the implementation of the HACCP program, this keeps the quality and safety of our products, besides being able tomeet thedemands of new markets.
"Increasing the productivity of staff through a training program that allows both the Personal and Professional Development of our employees.
"Maintaining national presence,and begin our process of internationalization to foreign markets, to extend the sale of our products.

Our Services

LLanquihue cecinas SA offers a wide range of services the first thing isproducer of an altisima sells quality as cured meats, pâté, salame, between others always trying to adapt us to the needs of our clients.
You prop including sales to domicile which this impartdio for aNew so called system Give (sale and office to domicile), which centres on delivering net products that the company offers to the domiciles of the clientes.clientes.

Vicka Paz Molina
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