Comparative politics

Páginas: 3 (511 palabras) Publicado: 21 de noviembre de 2011
1. What is Comparative Politics?
Is not easy to give a meaning, but the lecture explains is a comparison and how political phenomena might be compared, and can be explain also as the study offoreign countries or plurality of countries. It has 3 elements, the first is the most simple is the study of foreign countries, the second is how to identify and explain the differences or similaritiesbetween them, the third element is focused on the method of research.
2. Identify the stages of the development of Comparative Politics and the perspective and scope that was used under each of them.The stages were called “the golden age”, were initiated by Almond and his colleagues on the American Social Science Research council’s Committee on Comparative Politics , the golden age is thediscipline has gone into a retreat, with scholars complaining.
The next period of 1950-1960, were struck by two almost a palpable frustration, and it have to factors , the first was the traditionalemphasis on institutions that were seen to privilege the formal and legal aspects of politics at the expense of what might be termed politics in practice, and to privilege the official story at theexpenses of what was increasingly believed to be an alternative and real story. In second time the sense of politics was also required in order to incorporate a recognition of less formally structuredagencies and processes which spread the scope of the less formally structured agencies and processes which spread the scope of the political quite far beyond the formal institutions of government alone.At 1980s a wave of scholarship were emerging which stressed the need to return to the study of institutions and to restore primacy to an analysis of the “state”.
3. What and why are thequestions that the new comparativists are formulating
How might regimes be distinguished from one another?, What accounts for regime stability, and what accounts for regime stability, and what accounts...
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