Computer System Applications

Páginas: 3 (606 palabras) Publicado: 14 de marzo de 2013
My first driving practices

Have you ever drive a car with a manual transmission? Or you remember the very first time you drive a car? I can bet that that wasn’t a very good experience, butlearning how to handle the steering wheel is one of most necessary things to do in your everyday life. My first experiences driving a car were not very good at all. I had a rally hard time learning how todrive, but while I learn, I had an unforgettable experience with my family.

The only reason I asked my dad to teach me how to drive was to take the car out and spent time with all my friends. Iwanted freedom, be outside the house for a long time and go far away from my house with the car having a good time with all my friends. I also wanted to show them that I could have things at that age thatmost of us could not have. Like most people, I thought that I was good enough to learn how to drive, but I never imagined that it turned out in a very funny and scary experience I ever had.

Thefirst driving classes my dad taught me were very boring. He started off by explaining all the parts of a car. Then how to give it a good maintenance, such as tires, breaks, oil, even the gasoline anddon’t forget to refill the tank. Suddenly he started to talk about all the cars my family had owned. Being honest I was getting a little frustrating and I was trying not to fall sleep. He also taught methe rules of the road, how I have to change lanes, pass a car, and maintain the same speed. When I was right about to fall sleep, we finally got to the practice part, my favorite. I remember I wasquite nervous, and my heart was beating so quickly. When I started the first turn on the road, I could feel the adrenalin, I was hot, but at the same time cold. At moment I realized that driving was noteasy for me, and It took me about 3 weeks to get used to it.

When I finally started to drive the car by myself, I cost a lot of money to my dad, and I caused a lot of damage to the car and the...
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