Conceptos de desarrolo sustentable

Páginas: 2 (348 palabras) Publicado: 28 de enero de 2012
Sustainable Development Carlos Loyola, 7:00 – 8:00 Peart – lately moved to N22 Class backup will be online at Educatec (Moodle) interfase. That you can find at or type educatec atthe search box at its

Sustainable Development
S.D.: To satisfy the generation without future generations to basic needs of the present affecting the ability of satisfy their own needs.

Topreserve the civilization and all the things we need forever, and at the same time increase life quality for all living people.

To protect the ecosystems that sustain us today, so that they areavailable to support the future.

Environmental Education and Sustainable Development
Intelligent Healthy

Social Progress

Socioenviron Sustaina bility

Environmental care
EcoefficientEfficient rational Venn Diagrams

Socioeconomics Just equitative

Economic Growth

Strategies to preserve the environmental quality

Environmental Environmental Environmental LegislationCleaner Production Clean Technlologies Ecoefficient Processes Industrial Ecology

Prevention Education Management Remediation

Environmental Engineering

Strategies to preserve the quality Ofthe Environment

Think Globally

Act Locally

Environmental Science
An intersection of scientific disciplines aimed to explain the complex interactions between the human society and theenvironment

The study of the interactions among living beings and their environment. (A science discipline)

Desarrollo Sustentable
Proteger los ecosistemas que nos sustentan hoy, deforma que estén disponibles para el futuro. Preservar nuestra civilización y las cosas que requerimos perpetuamente, al mismo tiempo que incrementamos la calidad de vida de todos. Satisfacer lasnecesidades de la presente generación, sin perjudicar la capacidad de las futuras generaciones de satisfacer sus propias necesidades.

Educación Ambiental y Desarrollo Sustentable
Saludable inteligente...
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