
Páginas: 4 (964 palabras) Publicado: 15 de octubre de 2012
Ministry of Education

Colegio Bilingue La Academia

Work of: Science

Belong to:
Walter Clarke

Litcia Pomares

Activities of Page 81-83-87-89

XII Sci. BDate:
Tuesday August 2th 2012

Activities Page 81
Do You Remember?
1. Explain the difference Between a Nutrient an a Food.
A. Nutrients: Are substances we need for obtaining energy andfor making our own living matter.
B. Food: principal components of the nutrients in a nutritional alimentation.

2. Define The Following terms.
A. Macro-Nutrient: are the majorcomponents of foods. They are proteins, sugars and lipids or fats.
B. Micro-Nutrient: are substances which are present in very small quantities in food but which are also necessary for us.
Do YouUnderstand?
3. Explain The Functions of the Following Nutrients in the Body.
* Starches: is fundamental component of living matter.
* Animal Proteins: these are necessary for building the matterthat forms our cells.
* Vegetable Oils:these include animals fats like butter.Eaten in moderation they provide the lipids we need.
* Fibre: is also sugar.It is necessary for helping the food topass through the intestine.

4. How Much Water do we need to drink every day? How do we obtain the rest of the water that we need?
Water is a fundamental component of living matter. We needthree litres of water a day(of these, one and a half litres comes from food, and the rest we must drink)

5. Indicate what group the following foods belong to.
* Milk
* Beef
* Olive Oil* Spinach
* Pineapple
* Sardines
* Chicken
* Bread.
6. What Groups of foods are present in a mixed paella(Fish,seafood and meat)?.

Activities Page 83
1. Write thedefinition for each one of the following concepts.
* Calorie: is the continous group of calories that the body need to live.
* Base Metabolic Rate: is the calculation of the rate or metabolic that...
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