“Social Justice commonly refers to the idea of creating a society or institution based on principles of equality and solidarity that understands andgives value to the human rights, and recognizes the dignity of every human being.”[1]. Taking into account the previous definition; does Colombia have even a little bit of Social Justice? Is SocialJustice reflected in the streets when you walk in Colombia? I guess this is one of the issues Colombia is struggling with the most, because even though some of the people have Social Justice, sadly thetruth is that most of us lack this essential believing.
World pressure has sadly taken over a large percentage of the world’s teenagers, and a very strong related problem is teen pregnancy.Statistics show that teen pregnancy has increased in a significant way in the last decade in Colombia, and apparently the government is a lot busier doing other things than worrying enough for this issue,therefore this is why Colombia doesn’t have enough social programs for teen pregnancy.
Colombia’s Government looses a big amount of money with all the taxes that are stolen each year, according tolast years DANE’s surveys Colombia lost more than 4 billion pesos with all the money stolen or not paid in taxes. In fact, the percentage of people that evade taxes is about 7% of all the population[2]. What could the government have done with all this money? If we stop for a moment and turn around we’ll notice that even though the country has improved, that improvement is not compared to what thegovernment could’ve reached if each penny that it was supposed to receive, would’ve been spent in the way it should; for example building programs or focusing on giving help for the people that reallyneeded it.
First of all, if we take a brief look at our country’s history among all of the issues we’ve had, it’s easy to see that Colombia has had a great improvement in the last few years, we...
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