
Páginas: 23 (5582 palabras) Publicado: 7 de abril de 2011

• United States 
• United Kingdom 
• Canada 
• Australia 
• Ireland 
• New Zealand 
• South Africa 
• Belize 
• Liberia 
• Jamaica 


The official language is English and is spoken by the vast majority of the resident population. But the number of Spanish-speaking residents in the U.S. (over 50%), Spanish is the second mostused language for communication. Other frequently spoken languages ​​are Chinese, Polish, Korean, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Japanese, Russian, French and others. 

Religion has, in principle, strong roots of the Anglican (Protestant Christian).However, the diversity of nations and ethnic groups living in the United States, this country practiced almost all world religions. Has been thebirthplace and place of development, even new religions. 
The most numerous are those belonging to the Protestant denominations which includes Baptists. Methodist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Episcopalian, after Catholics. The Orthodox Church also has a large following. Among non-Christian religions practiced stand Judaism, Islam, Buddhist and Hindu. 

The unit of currency is thedollar. 
Geographical Location 
The United States of America was formed by 48 states within the territory of North America and also Alaska and Hawaii. Other areas correspond to the territories of Puerto Rico, Samoa, Guam and the Virgin Islands. 
The borders of mainland are: 
Northern Canada (Great Lakes area). 
Southern Mexico (Rio Grande), the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean. 
East:Atlantic Ocean. 
West: Pacific Ocean. 
Major Cities 
The capital is Washington, D. C. although the largest city is New York. 

Total Area 
The United States occupies a total area of ​​9,666,861 square kilometers. 
Geographical Features 
By extension of territory, the United States has an enormous variety of topography, has a great diversity of mountain ranges, rivers, lakes and other landforms. Weather 
In general, solar intensity, and temperatures are decreasing from south to north. 
In the U.S. there is a wide variety of climates, due to the vastness of its territory. 
Has from a warm, tropical climate like Florida to cold and dry and Alaska. 

Natural Resources 
The territory of the United States is very rich in natural resources: The different climatic conditions arefavorable for the variety of agricultural products. 
It has significant deposits of many important minerals. However, imports much of the resources needed for industry and other areas. 

Flora and Fauna 
According to the climatic conditions of each area of ​​the territory, the native vegetation is characterized by variety. This is similar to the animal population. 

United States, aproduct of immigration, is a nation of many ethnicities and nationalities coexist, with significant white populations by 84%, 12% black, descendants of natives of the area by 1%, 3% Asian, 8% Hispanic. There is also a considerable number of Jewish immigrants, Indians and Europeans. 

The diversity of customs and traditions in the United States population, is evident in culturallife. This makes for a great variety of cultures and cultural highlights, companies danazarias contemporary music, novelists and poets, sculptors, painters and filmmakers. 


UK flag xxx (UK) 
Incomplete the flag of the United Kingdom have a blue field with a red cross of Saint George xxx (patron saint of England) decorated in white superimposed on the diagonal red cross of SaintPatrick xxx (patron saint of Ireland) to be superimposed on the diagonal white cross of Saint Andrew (patron saint of Scotland. 
Arts, Culture and Music, xxx UK (United Kingdom) 

The art section of the United Kingdom have a long throw rich history of excellence.For a century art and music is considered to be a part of nobility. The country had also made significant contribution to the world in...
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