Creating A Microchip

Páginas: 4 (900 palabras) Publicado: 16 de octubre de 2012
In one part of the world…a scientist had been worked in a mysterious project...

Ch: all my life I’ve been working on this and now I can say that I have finally made my dream reality. Thismicrochip will allow people connect their mind to the internet... Muahahah!!!

I need call to Gaby. She is a magnificent journalist... she can help me in finding publicity...She has to know about it!------ ring -----ring-----

G: Hello?

Ch: Gaby?? You must immediately come to my lab!

G: But what happened?? You sound excited.

Ch: I don’t have time to explain!!! You should come with Dr.Orbegozo!!!

G: ok!! See you later...oh great she hung up

----- tu tu tu tu ----------

Later... in the lab…

Ch: Gaby? Miguel? You have to see this!! Come in!

M: I think this should be veryimportant... I even leave a child in plaster.

G: what? Are you crazy?

M: but what? The boy was happy and he was singing ¨I'm not going to school¨!!

Ch: Mmm... Okay. Do you remember that I wasworking on a microchip?

G: yeah. What about that?

Ch: Today, after so many years of work, I have just finished the first prototype.

M: that is great! just between you and me, I always knewthat only a bright mind like yours could create something like that.

Ch: coming from you that means a lot and well, I need a service from you.

M: tell me... what do you need?

Ch:maybe this sounds crazy, but I know that you're the best surgeon in this country.

M: I'm really glad, you feel that way...

Ch: listen closely; I want the microchip implanted in my brain.

G: donot say that! Why not first you experience with animals... before making a big madness like that!

Ch: I already did animal testing and successfully but now I have experiment with a human brain... Whoelse besides me would volunteer knowing that the transaction could end up in a vegetative state for life...?

G. she has a good reason ... also nothing similar has ever been attempted in our country......
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