Cristiano vs messi

Páginas: 3 (688 palabras) Publicado: 29 de febrero de 2012
Cristiano Ronaldo vs. Lionel Messi
Written by Carlos Durán

“True champions aren’t always the ones that win, but those with most guts” (Mia Hamm). The history of soccer has seen many greatplayers. It is not an easy task to determine who is the best soccer player. If someone from Portugal is asked, Cristiano Ronaldo would be the best. An Argentinian, on the other hand, can pick Messi. Aswell, an English would choose Rooney. Cristiano Ronaldo and Messi are considered the best two players of the world, however, not everyone agrees with who’s the best because they’re different in theirstyles, physical abilities and they play in different teams.

Every player develops a unique style of playing soccer, which suits the characteristic properties of each one. Messi is an aggressiveplayer, although his style differs greatly from Ronaldo’s. While Ronaldo tends to use the power to beat the opponent’s defense, Messi is more likely to execute moves that involve other teammates (Sanghavi1). Lionel Messi is also harder to keep up with on the field, since he always relies on players around him. Ronaldo, on the contrary, tends to be more of “one to one” plays, relying more on his ownmovements instead of working closely with his teammates. (McDougall 2)

Height is a critical trait for soccer players; however, it is a sport in which small men can flourish (Shanks 1). Messi is1.69 meters tall , while Ronaldo is 1.85. It is a big difference when we talk about aerial plays. Ronaldo is a great header due to his physical abilities (Height and strength). Messi has a good jump,but he is not a target man in that aspect.

”Everyone talks about me and Messi but it is not an individual duel. Messi does not play alone, his teammates and coaches also have a big influence. InManchester, when I was the best in the world, I was not playing alone. Barça are the same. Messi is good, but he is in a very complete team” (Cristiano Ronaldo). One of the reasons Messi has been more...
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