Features Selection and Extraction
Margot Cuar´n a
September 29, 2009
Margot Cuar´n a
Features Selection and Extraction
Features Selection and Extraction Margot Cuar´n a
1 Introduction
Margot Cuar´n a
Features Selection and Extraction
Features Selection and Extraction Margot Cuar´n a
1 Introduction2 KDD
Data mining
Data Preprocessing
Data Reduction
Margot Cuar´n a
Features Selection and Extraction
Features Selection and Extraction Margot Cuar´n a
1 Introduction 2 KDD
Data mining
Data Preprocessing
Data Reduction
3 Features
Margot Cuar´n a
Features Selection and Extraction
Features Selection and ExtractionMargot Cuar´n a
1 Introduction 2 KDD
Data mining
Data Preprocessing
Data Reduction
3 Features 4 Feature Selection and Extraction
Margot Cuar´n a
Features Selection and Extraction
Features Selection and Extraction Margot Cuar´n a Introduction KDD Data mining Challengers Data Preprocessing Data Reduction Features Feature Selection and Extraction
Inrecent years many applications of data mining (text mining, bioinformatics, sensor networks) deal with a very large number n of features (e.g. tens or hundreds of thousands of variables) and often comparably few samples. In these cases, it is common practice to adopt feature selection algorithms to improve the generalization accuracy. There are many potential benefits of feature selection:
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Facilitating data visualization and data understanding, Reducing the measurement and storage requirements, Reducing training and utilization times, Defying the curse of dimensionality to improve prediction performance.
Margot Cuar´n a
Features Selection and Extraction
Features Selection and Extraction Margot Cuar´n a Introduction KDD Data mining Challengers DataPreprocessing Data Reduction Features Feature Selection and Extraction
The availability of massive amounts of experimental data based on genome-wide studies has given impetus in recent years to a large effort in developing mathematical, statistical and computational techniques to infer biological models from data. In many bioinformatics problems the number of features is significantly larger than thenumber of samples (high feature to sample ratio datasets).
Margot Cuar´n a
Features Selection and Extraction
Features Selection and Extraction Margot Cuar´n a Introduction KDD Data mining Challengers Data Preprocessing Data Reduction Features Feature Selection and Extraction
What is Feature Selection for KDD? Why feature selection is important? What is the filter and what is thewrapper approach to feature selection? Examples
Margot Cuar´n a
Features Selection and Extraction
Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD)
Features Selection and Extraction Margot Cuar´n a Introduction KDD Data mining Challengers Data Preprocessing Data Reduction Features Feature Selection and Extraction
Definition The non-trivial extraction of implicit, unknown, and potentially usefulinformation from data.
Margot Cuar´n a
Features Selection and Extraction
Features Selection and Extraction Margot Cuar´n a
1 Introduction
Introduction KDD Data mining Challengers Data Preprocessing Data Reduction Features Feature Selection and Extraction
Data mining
Data Preprocessing
Data Reduction
3 Features 4 Feature Selection andExtraction
Margot Cuar´n a
Features Selection and Extraction
Data mining
Features Selection and Extraction Margot Cuar´n a Introduction KDD Data mining Challengers Data Preprocessing Data Reduction Features Feature Selection and Extraction
Definition Data mining is the process of selecting, exploring, and modeling large amounts of data to uncover previously unknown patterns for business...
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