
Páginas: 6 (1496 palabras) Publicado: 16 de junio de 2011
1. Escudriñar: Examinar, indagar y averiguar algo con cuidado y atención:

2. Gacetilla : Sección de un periódico con noticias breves

3. Pelambre: Conjunto de las pieles que se han pelado.

4. Fluvial : De los ríos o relativo a ellos

5. Penumbra: Sombra débil entre la luz y la oscuridad.

6. Lúgubre: Triste, funesto, melancólico, tétrico

7. Contubernio:Convivencia de dos personas que mantienen relaciones sexuales sin estar casadas.

8. Pederastia: Abuso deshonesto cometido por un adulto hacia los niños

9. Burdel: Local de prostitución:

10. Apaciguar: Poner en paz, sosegar, aquietar

11. Quejumbre: Que manifiesta dolor, pena o sentimiento:

12. Eufemia: Palabra o expresión con que se sustituye a otra más grosera,impertinente, violenta o que se considera tabú

13. Remozar: Dar un aspecto más nuevo o moderno a algo

14. Cicatero: Mezquino, tacaño o que escatima lo que debe dar.

15. Sosiego: Quietud, tranquilidad

16. Deleitable : Causar placer al espíritu o los sentidos:

17. Poliglota: Dicho de una persona: Versada en varias lenguas. Para referirse al masculino,

18. Sardineles: Aparejode un muro constituido por ladrillos puestos de canto y adosados por sus caras mayores

19. Zarpazo:   Golpe que da un animal con la zarpa.

20. Buque: Embarcación con el fondo cóncavo que navega movida generalmente por el viento o por un motor; suele ser de grandes dimensiones y tener varias cubiertas, departamentos y camarotes.

Lil Wayne was born like Dwayne Michael Carter Jr, andit grew up in the Holly grove district of New Orleans, Louisiana. Carter was born when her mother, cook, were 19 years old. Their parents divorced when he was 2 years old, and his father left the family of permanent form. Inscribe in the program of equipped with Lafayette Elementary School and in the club of theater of the Secondary School Eleanor McMain. First song of rap at the age of eightyears wrote his. In the summer of 1991, Williams, rapper and proprietor of Money Cash knew Bryan Record. Carter registered rap of free style in the answering machine of Williams, took who it to fit to the young person Carter they include and it in some songs distributed by Money Cash. Also he recorded his first album True Story collaboration with rapper Vg. Then, Carter was 11 years old, and B.G was14 years old, and was announced like " The BG' z". To the 13 years, accidentally a shot with a pistol stuck calibrates,44, the bullet cleared its heart by two inches. Wayne now has a great tattoo in the chest with the words " Bang" bullet; in commemoration to its firing, and other that says: " In Memory of Rabbit: It' s up to me" in its arm, in honor to its died father, that killed when leaving thejail by illegal possession of arms. In the McMain Magnet School, Carter was an honor student, but she retired to the 14 to concentrate in his musical race, something that her mother tried to avoid. His small brother wanted to follow the passages of Wayne, but he was too young and her mother did not want that she put his life in danger. In 1995, at the age of 12, " made debut with the group; TheBG' s" along with rapper’s B.G., Sen. and JR, that tapeworm at that time 14 years and of the Money Cash also, in the album True Story. It is necessary to emphasize that Lil' Wayne never has raped on adolescent questions, unlike which they make the majority of the young rapper’s until his delayed adolescence. In 1997, Lil' Wayne formed the group Hot Boys along with Juvenile, Turk and B.G., anddropped its album debut, Get It How You Live. With its success fans of the south and the mean-west gained everywhere. It was one of most outstanding in the album Guerilla Warfare, of 1998, under Universal one Record, and in Let member state Burn of 2003. To the 16 years its race with the recording of its album began alone debut The Block is Hot in 1999. It was followed by Lights Out in 2000 and 500...
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