Diccionario Interactivo De Inglés

Páginas: 16 (3887 palabras) Publicado: 4 de octubre de 2012
Acumen= a·cu·men [ə kymən, ákyəmən]
| Sharpness of mind: the ability to make quick accurate judgments situations. * The Steve Jobs’ business acumen made Apple the most successful firm in the United States. |
Accurate= ac·cu·rate [ákyərət]
1. | Correct: Free from errors. * When you feel seek and go to a doctor to see what the problem is, the doctor has to give youan accurate diagnosis in order not to make a mistake and make you feel better. |
Aim= aim [aym]
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Noun 1. | Intention: a plan to do or achieve something |
| * The aim of this project is to help the ENGA students to learn new words faster and easier. |

Allusion= al·lu·sion noun 1. | Indirect reference. * The worst mistake that the President Bush could ever madewas to make allusions about the Hispanic people when he said that the stinky and ugly illegal people are trying to govern the U.S. It was totally obvious that he was talking about the Hispanic people.NOTE= Don’t confuse this word with “Illusion”. |
Belittle= be·lit·tle [bi lítt'l]
Make seem less significant.
* Daniel will not try to do it anymore now that I belittled his effort onthe science project.
Note: You belittle someone making him/her feel LITTLE! “Literally, Be little!”
Boost= boost [boost]
1. Push somebody or something up:To improve.
* You know you got a best friend, when he/she always boosts you when you need it the most.
This word is totally different to “belittle”.
Budge= budge [buj]transitive and intransitive verb
1. | Move: to move with difficulty. * The thief tried to move the huge ice machine in order to take it, but the heavy thing did not budge. |
2. | Change opinion: to change an attitude, decision, or opinion. * Once she's made up her mind, she'll refuse to budge. Burgeoning= bur·geon·ing [búrjəning]adjective | Growing quickly. * Burgeoning of interest inthe history class. |
Burrow= bur·row [búrrō]noun 1. | rabbit's home. |
* When you lost your rabbit, the first place you should look at is where he lays, its burrow. |
Chubby= chub·by [chúbbee] adjective | plump: pleasantly or charmingly plump, especially in the way that healthy babies and toddlers often are. * I just saw a chubby baby, and I pinched his cheeks so bad that they turnedred. NOTE: Simple, it’s a fat baby (no offence…). |
Clumsy= clum·sy [klúmzee] adjective 1. | Moving awkwardly: poorly coordinated physically. * I love everything about him, even his clumsy way of walking. |
Cognitive= cog·ni·tive [kógnitiv]adjective 1. | Concerned with acquisition of knowledge. * Today in my science class I learned about the cognitive science, and now I know a lot ofthings about the brain. |
Curb= curb [kurb]noun (plural curbs) 1. | roads edge of street. |
2. | Imposed limitation. * The alcoholic people are separated from their families in order to curb aggression to them. |
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| Debunk= de·bunk [dee búngk] Verb | Show something to be false. |
* | * The charge for the scientist is to debunk every suspicious theory. || |
Deterrent= de·ter·rent [di túr ənt, di túrrənt]Deterrent means acting to stop or prevent. (adjective) * The blue badge protector is a visible deterrent to thieves.A deterrent is something that prevents or blocks. (noun) * Approximately 100 years ago, the U.S. government’s nuclear deterrent killed millions of people in Hiroshima. Diffuse= dif·fuse [di fyz]Verb 1. | Scatter or becomescattered. * I’m afraid of diffused rooms.Note: It is a room with, in a manner of speaking, poor lights. |
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Dwelling= dwell·ing [dwélling]noun | Home (formal). * When I go to college, my friends and I are going to rent a beautiful dwelling near from the school. |
| Eager= ea·ger [gər]adjective 1. | Enthusiastic and excited about doing something. * The most...
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