
Páginas: 2 (368 palabras) Publicado: 20 de enero de 2013

Carmen – ( She notice that Fernanda her sister was not in class ) – Where are you? –preoccupied she call fernanda-(telephone call)

Fernanda – What do you want Carmen?
Carmen –Where are you at?
Fernanda – I’m behind the school
Carmen – whith who?
Fernanda – with Silvia, daa
Carmen – what are you doing?
Fernanda – why are you making so many questions? –Wearily- I’m buyingdrugs with Silvia
Carmen - if you come at this time… I’ll tell the teacher
Fernanda – ¡ PFF ! (Hang)
(Carmen get’s up, goes and tell’s the teacher)
Carmen – Teacher, I’m a worried. My sister isbehind the school buying drugs
MaJo – ¡what ! why?

Carmen – Do not know ¡you have to help!
MaJo – We have to take with the school psychologist
Carmen - With Mr. Javier?
MaJo – Yes, let yoursister
(Fernanda pick up and carry her to the psychologist)
(arrive at the office of Mr. Javier)
Javier – Offered to them?
MaJo - We need to help us with Fernanda
Javier – Make it happen(Fernanda enters the office)

Fernanda – you want?
Javier – you need help psychological
Fernanda – I do not need your help, I just drugs
(Fernanda phone rings)
Fernanda – what happens?
Silvia –it’s me, Silvia. I need you tell me where leave the envelopes
Fernanda – oh, its fine, you can bring them to the exit?
Silvia – Yes, right. Bye
Fernanda – Good bye ( end call )
Javier – Who was?Fernanda – you care?
Javier – much, since you are my patient and I worry about you
Fernanda – ah, anyway I will not tell
Javier – Okay, let’s move, and how you feel eating that?
Fernanda – I am in adifferent world
(Time passes and advances in therapy Fernanda)
(Go and talk with Silvia)
Silvia – have a good, without coming
Fernanda – If it is, look… I want to help
Silvia – For what or why?(They converse hours until Silvia convinces going to the psychologist)
Fernanda – It’s been two year since we left the drugs
Silvia – Yes I know… thanks to the concern of teacher and friends...
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