
Páginas: 8 (1967 palabras) Publicado: 14 de noviembre de 2011
Table of contents
1. Introduction
2. Installation
3. Configuration
4. Using EasyHotspot
1. Admin
1. Chillispot Configuration
2. Postpaid Setting
3. Billing Plan
4. Cashiers Management
5. Admin Management
2. Cashier
1. Postpaid Account Management
2. VoucherManagement
3. Invoice Management
4. Statistics
5. Online users (force disconnect)
6. Change password
3. Clients
1. How to connect the Hotspot
2. How to browse to web
3. How to logout
5. Troubleshooting
1. Change network interface name
2. Change MySQL default password3. Client is not redirected to login page
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EasyHotspot is an alternative solution for hotspot billing system. Its contains other particular open source software that is bundled into one a single package. We don't try to make a replacement to similar existing open source projects. Our aim is to deliver a systemthat simple, easy to install, use and modify. EasyHotspot comes with ready to use configuration. You need less configuration to build a running hotspot. It will save you time and energy.
EasyHotspot is developed on the top of Ubuntu distribution. The hotspot manager frontend used to manage your hotspot is built from Codeigniter framework. Codeigniter is an blazing fast PHP framework whicheasy to understand and its very handy to make a web based application. We hope everyone can easily understand and make an improvement to the code. FreeRADIUS will help us to perform AAA process. The Captive Portal that is used for authenticating users is Chillispot, and the database / MySQL, it used for storing the users and logs information.
Who's gonna need it ? Anyone who wants to build ahotspot or someone who willing to learn how hotspot works. . For example : Cafe, Hotel, School, Public place, and anywhere that requires wireless internet connection.
How to get involved ? Ok, this is our favorite part ... its easy to get involved and help this project. You can report the bugs, make an improvement/variation, request new features, critics, fill up our wish list, spread the word.Everything positive are welcome :)

Minimum Hardware requirements:
• Pentium 3 or equal
• 512 MB RAM
• 5 GB Free Space HDD
• 2 network interface (LAN CARD)
• Wireless Access Point (you don't need wireless router feature but a Wireless AP)
• Switch/Hub (optional, only for wired user)
EasyHotspot comes with live Ubuntu distro iso,burn the .iso on to blank cd-rom and then boot your PC from cd-rom.
Once Ubuntu has startup you can install from the shortcut on the desktop. And follow the instructions to install Ubuntu and EasyHotspot on the screen.
For help installing ubuntu you can find it here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GraphicalInstall
When Ubuntu has rebooted, locate http://localhost/easyhotspot from your browserand EasyHotspot is ready to roll.

After the installation process has successfully completed, there are several steps left to ensure that EasyHotspot is running smoothly.
1. Configuring network interfaces
First of all make sure that you have two network interfaces named eth0 and eth1, you can find out by typing “ifconfig” in the terminal or find the setting insystem → preferences → network connection. If you have eth2, eth3 and so on please consult the troubleshoot section.

Internet interface
Set your eth0 as your internet connection source. It can be dynamic or static. If you have a dynamic connection, just simply plug in the ethernet cable to eth0 interface, or if you have a static connection you can configure it by clicking the...
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