
Páginas: 2 (325 palabras) Publicado: 2 de febrero de 2012

Given the scenarios of loss of natural resources around the world, individuals and associations have joined forces to reverse the damage that has been done, making a profound impacton the thinking and tasks of modern society. The world of technology and production processes have also been influenced, and the last century saw the birth of a new discipline: The eco-technology.The eco-technology is the discipline responsible for managing our "oikos" (house) providing the tools to maximize the components of the ecosystems where we live.
Environmental technology differsfrom other technologies of geological, hydrological or climatological nature for the management of populations of living things, how to use them is unique, because unlike biotechnology which methodizeproduct extraction from individual organisms, environmental technology focuses on benefits of their work on large numbers of individuals and self-sustaining wild populations that require a minimum ofhuman effort for support.

This brings us to the main objective of the eco-technology "... to operate predominantly with natural energy sources, requiring relatively low external input" (HT Odum etal. Mitsch 1968 in 1996). Thus, this new discipline is sympathetic to the conservation of natural resources mixing knowledge on biodiversity and landscape architecture, to get the most from our "oikos"(Hernandez, 2009). This need combined with the demands of a globalized world where the role of the consumer demands for products and services friendly to the environment, many companies have adaptedtheir actions and statements towards sustainability with the application of eco-techniques in their production processes and facilities.

The industrial high-tech "Silicon Valley" located in thestate of California, United States, place of establishment of companies such as Intel, eBay, Microsoft, Yahoo, Google and Apple, has joined the sustainable actions with bills that seek to set limits on...
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