Edad Media

Páginas: 18 (4360 palabras) Publicado: 7 de febrero de 2013
In this anthology we speak about the Middle Ages, it gives a view of the past. How was European’s life in the past? Here we are going to know the principal event, like the war in the Middle Ages, the weapons the soldiers used when they fought, the objective of building a castle and use it as an arm of defense and attack. With this work we explain the feud´s treatment withthe lord basal since the appearance to the finish, also the intervention of the naval war and the development of war galleons and transport done with lumberjack to be used in war.
The Middle Ages were affected by the intervention of powder, it was a big importance in the change and development of the medieval weapons, another important fact that is included in this anthology are thecrusades with their big pilgrimages across from middle East and part of Europe that lasted several years to arrive to their temples in Palestine. During the Middle Ages the looting, theft and catastrophic attack by the Vikings had terrorized Europe and this caused big impacts in the European’s life. It is very important to highlight that the Middle Ages were divided mainly in two ages, the Dark Agesand High Ages, but there were more like the Castle Ages, the Feudal Ages and the Imperial Ages. On the other hand, with Renaissance started a new age where arts and the science grew up and the Middle Ages ended.

The Roma Empire of the fourth century AD extended entirely around the basic of the Mediterranean Sea, including modern Turkey, Israel, Egypt,and North Africa. Modern France, Spain and Portugalwere entirely Roman.
The Romans had existed as an important power for 1000 years. They had brought stability, prosperity, andorder to the civilized west. Excellent roads connected the far reaches of the empire with the capital at Rome, these roads were built originally for military purposes but improved the communications and trade.Not everything was perfect, however, Emperors had absolute authority. This worked well with good emperors, but incompetent ones could do great harm, the rules for succession to the throne were never clear, and civil wars often resulted the bureaucracy that managed the empire on a basis grew more corrupt, increasing the dissatisfaction of the common citizen. The wealth of the empiregradually concentrated in the hands of the minority while a large slave population did most of the work.
Roman conquest had ceased in the second century AD, bringing atomany massive inflows of plunder and slaves.
Takes increased and production fell as the workforce declined. A plague may have killed 20 percent of the empire´s population in the third and fourth centuriesfurther reducing trade and production in the late third century, the Roman Empire was split into eastern and western, in two halves in an attempt to make to easy a rude and better control. In 323 Constantine became emperor after civil war and established his Eastern capital at Byzantium which he renamed as Constantinople.
During the next century the eastern and western parts of the empiregradually established separate identities although nominally were the same empire. These identities were partial due to the different pressures brought to bear on them from the outside and the local culture.
The Western Empire was predominat Latin, the Eastern Empire was predominately Greek, although theyreferred to themselves as Romans. The Eastern Empire survived the cataclysm of thethird and fourth centuries because it had a larger population, 70 percent of the empires total, better emperors, more money, and a far better army and navy.
So when Roma fell the empire was destroyed and a new age began: the Dark Ages.


Following the fall of Rome, Western Europe entered to what has been called the Dark Ages. This...
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