Edd Mi Traduccion

Páginas: 5 (1038 palabras) Publicado: 1 de diciembre de 2012
The following issues were most frequently mentioned in a global surver about current world problems.
Corruption people all over the world complain about the corruption of pólice, government officials, and business leaders. Two examples of corruption are:
* A pólice officer takes Money a (a"bribe”) from a driver so he doesn´t give the driver a ticket for speeding.
* A company that wantsto do business with a government agency offers a public oficial Money or a gift to choose that company for the job.

Some people feel that power promotes corrption and that corruption is unavoidable. But an independent media for example, non-government-backef newspapers, televisión stations, and internet blogs can also playa n important role in exposing corruption.

Poverty aproximatelyone-fifth of the world´s population, over 1 billion people, earns less that us $1.00 a day. Each day, over a billion people in the eorld lack basic food supplies. And according to UNICEF, each day, 25000 children under the age of five die of starvation or preventable infectious disease.
There are many causes of poverty, ranging from catastrophic natural events to bad economic and agriculturalpolicies, so there´s no one solution to poverty worldwide. Some people feel that wealthy nations must senda aid to poorer nations, while others are concerned that nothing will help unless local corruption is reduced and government policies are changed.

TERRORISM Every day, we see or hear about suicide bombings and other violent acts committed against innocent people for religious or politicalreasons. Many ask why terrorism is on the rise.
Some social scientists believe that televisiob and movies may contribute to growing anger. They claim that some people may feel frustrated and powerless when they measure their lives against the lives of extremely wealthy people they see in the media.
However, views about what causes terrorism can be very controversial, and many people disagree about itscauses or possible solutions. While some feel that terrorism can be met with military forcé, others believe that people’s extreme poverty and powerlessness must be reduced to make a difference.
RACISM AND DISCRIMINATION Racism (the belief that one’s own race or ethnic group is superior to others) and racial and ethnic discrimination (treating members of other groups unfairly) exist in manyplaces. These two common problems cause human rights violations all over the world. In some cases a more powerful ethnic or racial group justifies the domination and, horribly, even the complete desctruction of ethnic or racial minorities they consider to be inferíor. When taken to this extreme, genocides such as the European Holocaust and the massacre in Sudan have threatened to wipe out entirepeoples.
Can racism and discrimination be eliminate or are these simple unfortunate features of human nature? Many people believe that education can help build tolerance of the other and may contribute to creating a more peaceful world.


Los siguientes temas fueron los más frecuentemente mencionados en una encuesta mundial acerca de losproblemas del mundo actual.
Corrupción personas de todo el mundo se quejan de la corrupción de la policía, funcionarios gubernamentales y líderes empresariales. dos ejemplos

de la corrupción son:
• Un oficial de policía toma el dinero a (un "soborno") de un conductor para que no le da al conductor un billete de exceso de velocidad.
• Una empresa que quiere hacer negocios con una agencia degobierno ofrece un dinero público oficial o un regalo a elegir esa empresa para el trabajo.

Algunas personas sienten que el poder promueve corrption y que la corrupción es inevitable. Pero los medios independientes por ejemplo, no respaldadas por el gobierno periódicos, estaciones de televisión y blogs de Internet también puede playa n papel importante en la denuncia de la corrupción.

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