Ejemplo Anecdotas En Ingles

Páginas: 3 (599 palabras) Publicado: 16 de febrero de 2013

Examples of Anecdotes Below you will find a variety of examples of anecdotes that writers have used to “hook” their audience. You will see that the anecdotes range from quicklyre-telling a story to quoting an expression and some even ask a question to begin. However you choose to create your anecdote, just remember to relate to your reader- you want to grab their attention!
Enjoy!“Turbulence,” David Sedaris From
The New Yorker
(June 2005)

“On the flight to Raleigh, I sneezed, and the cough drop I’d been sucking on shot from my mouth, ricocheted off my folded traytable, and landed, as I remember it, in the lap of the woman beside me, who was asleep and had her arms folded across her chest. I’m surprised that the force didn’t wake her—that’s how hard it hit—butall she did was flutter her eyelids and let out a tiny sigh, the kind you might hear from a baby.”

“To All the Girls I’ve Rejected,” Jennifer Delahunty Britz an article from the Editorials/Op-Edsection of
The New York Times

“A few days ago I watched my daughter Madelyn open a thin envelope from one of the five colleges to which she had applied. “Why?” was what she was obviouslyasking herself as she handed me the letter saying she was waitlisted.”
An excerpt from a health cookbook,

Skinny B**** in the Kitch,
Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin (2007)

“What’s better thaneating?...The answer is: Nothing! There’s nothing better than eating! We’re total pigs and eating is, without a doubt, our favorite thing to do. We love eating so much, it makes us mad. We have, like,a violent passion for food. When we go out to eat, if something we order is really good, we talk about killing the chef. Or our pets. Or ourselves. Good food makes us want to die ... you know, likethat expression, ‘... to die for.’ But ironically, we also care about our health.”

This is a piece of my own writing from a personal narrative that I wrote in my Freshman College Literary...
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