Ensayo De Museo Arte Moderno En Ingles

Páginas: 2 (263 palabras) Publicado: 3 de octubre de 2012
From the entrance of the museum I saw the building structure was not a normal building, it had a form of circle and also windows like a mirrorsthese attracted my attention because the trees were reflected in it. There is a large spiral out. When I entered the first thing I saw were thestairs because is not very common to see these kind of stairs. It has four rooms two up, two down, but I could only see one of each because theothers were in maintenance.

I Entered the room , looked very empty, but for a some reason I attracted attention the lights and how thephotographs were accommodated.

What I observed was that the photographs were Mexican, but I do not remember the authors that mentioned . Some seemedmore like documentaries , were in series. And the others were more how everyday life was like many years ago.

At the top is up the stairs onthe wall there was engraved , guitars etc, It was said that the author said that art was music.

In the upstairs room was modern painting reallystruck me that most of this art was painted in watercolor, many of these works are buildings that are here in Mexico and are the plans of someof the works of aquitectos. I could not understand some works and I didn't know what they meant, the colors were very bright and expressive.Out in the garden there was large works and personally I quite liked but didn't have a specific shape, colors, shapes caught my attention.
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