
Páginas: 2 (360 palabras) Publicado: 11 de diciembre de 2012
Lord of the Flies

Chapter 9-10

There are only 5 questions because they are all big questions. Be sure to answer them in detail.

1. Describe how Jack and the hunters change.List several qualities.

They do not even remember that they wanted to be rescued, the are interested in hunting, they praise the beast, they become evil and loose morals, rules andcivilization are not something they are familiar with, they don't remember thier life before the island, they cannot find the difference between good and bad.

2. List in order what happensto Simon. Try to picture it in your mind.

He finds the body and is happy that the fear for the beast will disapper, he runs to where the boys are, he sees the fire, he is attacked, hescreams, the boys rip him apart and bite hime, he dies, his body is washed by the ocean.

3. Look at page 157. Ralph sums up who the fearful beast is. "I'm frightened. Of us. I want togo home. Oh God, I want to go home." Why is Ralph afraid?

He is afraid of becoming a savage like the other boys. He does not want to loose the civilized part and good part of him and heknows that if he stays in the island he probably will.

4. Why do you think Piggy, Ralph, Sam and Eric deny being at the "dance?"

They dont want to accept that they were part ofwhat caused the death of Simon. It is an easier way to live with Simon's death. Beside that they want to deny that part of savaggery that took over them while they were dancing. They stillknow what is right and what is wrong and still feel guilty for doing bad things.

5. Why does Jack deny that the beast is dead?

The beast gives Jack some sort of power and isstill using thr beast to gain more. The boys all relly on Jack when it comes to matters of the beast because he seems more brave so Jack sort of needs the beast in order to keep the power.
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