
Páginas: 7 (1648 palabras) Publicado: 30 de agosto de 2012
Scale I. Escuchar (LI)

Rater’s Name:____________________________________________________________________________________

Setting:_____________________________________________Date of Rating: _______________________________


Escuchar es la capacidad de atender y entender el lenguaje de los demás. Los problemas de aprendizaje en el área de la audición pueden serparticularmente algunos problemas, ya que los maestros presentan una cantidad considerable de información a los estudiantes por vía oral y porque el reconocimiento fonético tienen un papel fundamental para aprender a leer.


En tu opinión, con qué frecuencia el niño o niña que se está evaluando la audición, exhibe los siguientes comportamientos: Circula el número apropiado. Nota: Circula1, si el estudiante nunca (o casi nunca) exhibe esa conducta, porque simplemente no puede hacerlo. Esto es importante particularmente cuando el LDDI es utilizado con estudiantes que tienen o existe la sospecha de Retraso Mental.

El niño o la niña…..

1. Tiene la dificultad para discriminar entre los sonidos al hablar.
2. Confunde nombres simples (oír, carro, piensa, perro).
3. Tienedificultad para reconocer aquellas oraciones con diferente sintaxis que pueden significar la misma cosa(el perro persiguió el carro, significa lo mismo que el gato fue perseguido
4. Reverses letters (e.g., b for d)
5. Writes with limited output (e.g., essays too short
few words and sentences)
6. Uses too many short words (i.e., words with six (6)
letters or less)
7. Omitswords in sentences
8. Omits ending en words
9. Spells poorly
10. Misspells words so badly that one has no idea
what they are (e.g., cameli, heute)
11. Omits letters when spelling
12. Adds unnecessary letters when spelling words
13. Spells words with the correct letters but in the
wrong sequence (e.g., “htnig” for thing)
14. Write sentences fragments

15. Does not writecomplex sentences (i.e., consistently
writes short, simple sentences)

Scale V. Mathematics (MT)

Rater’s Name:____________________________________________________________________________________

Setting:_____________________________________________Date of Rating: _______________________________


Mathematics is the ability to compute and usethose computation skills to think and problem solve quantitatively. Because so many of our daily activities involve mathematics, students with mathematics learning disabilities not only struggle in the classroom. But also have difficulty marking quantitative connections to real life activities.


In your opinion, how often does the person being rated exhibit the mathematicsbehaviors mentioned? Circle the appropriate number. Note: When a student never (or almost never) exhibits a behavior because he or she is simply unable to, circle 1. This is particularly important when the LDDI is being used with students who have or may be suspected of having mental retardation.

The Individual…..

1. Fails to read accurately the correct value of multi digit
numbersbecause of their order and spacing
2. Does not remember number words or digits
3. Orders and spaces numbers inaccurately in multiplication
and division
4. Misplaces digit in multi digit numbers
5. Makes “borrowing” (i.e., regrouping/renaming) errors
6. Disregards decimals
7. Reaches “unreasonable” answer
8. Cannot recall number facts automatically (i.e., unable to perform simplecalculations)
9. Counts on fingers
10. Fails to verify answers and settles for first answer
11. Calculates poorly when the order of digit presentation is altered
12. Takes a long time to complete calculation
13. Has difficulty with multistep problems
14. Has difficulty with the language of math

15. Has difficulty with word problems

Scale VI. Reasoning (RE)

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