
Páginas: 5 (1032 palabras) Publicado: 19 de noviembre de 2012
I really think that not recycling is becoming a very serious problem, all the people, children, adults, grandparents; even babies are ending with our world. A lot of people will ask themselves “how could i affect the planet?” but the question now a day should be “how can I help the planet?” I will answer both questions so any of you need to worry. Not even the once that are wondering the firstquestion and not even the once wondering the second one. First of all, we all affect the planet; even thought we try not to do it, we all do it. It’s impossible to protect the earth a 100%, why? Because the society have made us think we need all the in necessary things that contaminate. In fact we think we need them because they have made us dependent of them, I will give you an example for you toget this part that is a little confusing. We all need water kinds, adults, animals, plants, all of us, But, have you noticed that the human is the only one who need the “bottle” to drink the water? exactly! There’s my point. We humans invented the bottle cause we cause of different thing. One of them is because we don’t want to get any virus because of drinking water from lakes. We are alwayschecking our back. But who checks on the earth back ? no one. No one does it. Everyone thinks the earth can check on its back by itself, but no. think it this way the earth is one. We counting humans ,animals,plants,etc. are millions I mean billions I think no one of us has any idea of how many things the earth have to carry with. And what happened then ? we contaminate. We don’t care how much thingsare in this earth, we keep on producing more, inventing more taking more irrenovable stuff. Then of reading this do you really think the earth will handle much more? Because I really don’t think so, I mean im almost sure, so now that you are a little more down to earth are you sure you want to keep on contaminating the earth as you have been contaminating it since you were a baby? I hope you wantthis to stop, and if you do want so keep on reading cause I will tell you some of the things I do for protecting my planet, my home, my child’s futures home.

Here comes the secrets guys, you should take a pen and a paper for you to write all this tips and ways I have for you to safe the earth, because if all of us did a little of this, since the beginning, trust me, the planet wouldn’t be likethis.. I don’t read the cards, not even the future. I can’t tell you how the earth would be right now, but one thing I can tell and its that it would be better. Why better? Because cause if all of us would have saved the water since the beginning, we wouldn’t be suffering for water. And like that I have a lot of things I could tell you, But okay lets go to the point. How to save water ?

itseasy, this is the first tip, and it will be the first cause we all have done the mistake of staying an hour in the shower, probably cause you were sick, your head hurted. Doesn’t matter the excuse you put you have done it.
So here’s the first tip
a) don’t stay in the shower an hour just cause the water is hot and you like how it feels when it touches your skin
The second mistake probably youhaven’t done it but I’m sure you cleaning lady did it for you, so don’t worry. Leaving the key open while you are putting soap to the dishes.
b) Close the key while you aren’t using it, if you don’t care about the planet start caring about your dad’s money!
And the Third one:
c) Fulling a bottle of water and getting the bottle inside the the w.c., in the part where it saves the water,how will this help? Well like this you will save a litter of water every time you go to pee cause that bottle full of water will be using the space of the litter and that litter will never go.
This are 3 things I do to save the water, and you should try to do them cause the saving the water isn’t just the job of some of us. Another way for saving the planet is trying to recycle; this is one of...
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