
Páginas: 5 (1226 palabras) Publicado: 13 de marzo de 2013
From classical theater to this day, the structure of the plays has varied, but always maintaining the foundation laid by Aristotle in his "Poetics". The features and parts of a play have a structure that can be divided into two parts, internal (action, situation, theme and argument, conflict, characters, space and time) and external (scenes, acts and stage directions).
Structure of the parts ofa play
External structure:

Scene: It is the center of the dramatic action, limited by the input and output of characters. It consists of dialogues, monologues, silences and dimensions. Its duration is variable according to the guidelines that determine it.

Act: A set of scenes depicting a unit. The classical theater consisted of five acts, but now usually two. The events correspond to thephases of the argument structure of: presentation, development and outcome of the conflict.

The presentation outlines the characters and the situation that triggered the conflict. The development is the core of the work, where the action unfolds. The outcome is the auction, where somehow resolves the conflict.

Annotations: Are all the clarifications and explanations that the author of theplay for the director introduced, designed to draw inputs or outputs characters, costumes, scenery, location of the characters, silences, etc. This information can be of different types: location, time, gestures, physical or psychological description of the character. Van parentheses and are synthetic.
Internal structure:
This structure is directly related to the structure and characteristics ofthe work, but is linked to the external structure.
Action: Any action of the characters, what happens during the work from start to finish. It is what gives the climate of the work.
Surprise: It's all unexpected element, character, situation, etc..
Excerpts: There are moments for thoughts, reflections, etc.. of the characters. They are like parentheses within the action.
Thriller: The extensionin time of conflict resolution, which is used to maintain the interest of the public.

Retrovisiones: These are the memories of a character.
Dreams: expressed by some specific technique for this.
Adventures: They are the obstacles they face the characters to achieve their goal.
Situation: A theatrical scenic drive, in fact it is the smallest of them. It is responsible for driving the actionthrough dialogue.
Topic: Is the essence of the work, what is the fundamental issue of it. Can be summarized in a few words. For example: love, justice, etc. The work may have a single theme or more. The subject is an abstraction.
Plot: It's like a summary of the work, which contains the principal moments. It is a review of the events of the play.
Conflict: It is the essence of drama, the centrallocation around which the action revolves.

Characters: They are responsible for implementing the action. They can be several or just one. Characters must act on this, at the same time the viewer, even if they are events that happened in the past or the future, or imaginary events. Characters must have a well-defined character.
Space: is the place where the action takes place, can be physicalor abstract. If abstract spaces, viewing is through the actions of the characters.
Time: In theater handled three times, chronological, and scenic interior.
Time chronological time is real, lasting representation.
Scenic Time: Is set in the work, the time in which the action of the same, which is independent of chronological time. They can be on the scene last year minutes.
Inside Time: Thetime that elapses in the characters, how the weather affects scenic.

Desde el teatro clásico hasta nuestros días, la estructura de las obras teatrales ha variado, pero siempre manteniendo las bases sentadas por Aristóteles en su obra “Poética”. Las características y partes de una obra de teatro tienen una estructura que podemos dividir en dos partes, interna (acción,...
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