
Páginas: 5 (1039 palabras) Publicado: 28 de septiembre de 2010

Matching Exercise # 2
Term | R | Definition |
1. Contingency Allowance | C | A. A tool used to determine where a risk fits on a project. The typical rating is high, medium, or low for probability an impact. |
2. Contingency Plans | J | B. The process of determining which risk can impact a project and thedocumentation of their properties of characteristics. |
3. Decision Tree Analysis (technique) | M | C. Compensation in the planning for unknown items that could occur; is typically schedule or cost related. |
4. Fallback Plans | I | D. Characteristics which indicate that a risk event is possibly starting to happen. |
5. Preventive Actions | L | E. The documented results of RiskManagement Planning which can include the outputs of qualitative and quantitative risk analysis as well as risk response planning. |
6. Probability and Impact Matrix (Tool) | A | F. A signal that a risk event could occur or has occurred. |
7. Qualitative Risk Analysis | U | G. A grouping of types of risk on a project (Ex., technology, organizational, customer, market). |
8. ResidualRisk | K | H. A negative risk to the project. |
9. Risk Avoidance | E | I. A type of plan created for risks whit a great impact on project goals, to be executed if attempts to minimize the risk are not successful. |
10. Risk Category | G | J. Pre-established actions that the team executes if a now risk event occurs on the project. |
11. Risk Database | R | K. Risks thatremain after all response strategies have been applied. |
12. Risk Factor | O | L. Eliminating a risk or threat, usually by eliminating the cause. |
13. Risk Identification | B | M. The product of multiplying the monetary value and probability of the risk event; helps an organization make decisions based on potential outcome and impact. |
14. Risk Management Plan | Q | N.Numbers representing the risk of certain events, the likelihood of their happening, plus the impact on the project (if the event does happen). |
15. Risk Monitoring and Control | P | O. Documented activities or tasks to execute if needed that should minimize (or eliminate) the impact of a negative risk on the project. |
16. Risk Register (output/input) | N | P. The process ofmonitoring known risks, reducing any risks, identifying any new risk, and monitoring risk reduction over the life of the project. |
17. Risk Transference | T | Q. A document that details and describes the plan for managing risk over the life of the project. |
18. Risk Triggers | F | R. A data repository that stores and manipulates information associated whit the risk managementprocesses. |
19. Sensitive Analysis | S | S. Analyzing risks and determining the priority of their effects on the project. |
20. Threat | H | T. Allocating the responsibility for an impact of the risk event to another party. |
21. Trigger | D | U. A technique used in Risk Management that helps show which risks will likely have the most impact in the project. |

TRADUCCIÓNCoincidencia Ejercicio # 2
Plazo | R | Definición |
1. Provisión para contingencias | C | A. Una herramienta que se usa para determinar que existe un riesgo encaja en un proyecto. La calificación típica es alta, media o baja probabilidad de un impacto. |
2. Planes de Contingencia | J | B. El proceso de determinar qué riesgos pueden afectar un proyecto y la documentaciónde sus propiedades características. |
3. Análisis del árbol de decisión (técnica) | M | C. Compensación en la planificación de los elementos no conocidos que pueden producirse, normalmente los horarios o los gastos conexos. |
4. Planes de emergencia | I | D. Características que indican que un evento de riesgo es, posiblemente, empezando a suceder. |
5. Acciones...
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