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Páginas: 11 (2662 palabras) Publicado: 25 de noviembre de 2010
William Wordsworth
William Wordsworth was born on April 7, 1770, in Cockermouth, Cumberland. His father, John, was a lawyer, and he encouraged his 5 children to pursue learning. When Wordsworth's mother Anne died in 1778, young William was sent to attend grammar school away from home.
Wordsworth's father did not survive his wife by long, and when he died in 1783 the Wordsworth children foundthemselves living with two uncles who were not best pleased to receive them.
William was sent to Cambridge, and upon graduation he graveled in Europe for a time, but when the money ran out Wordsworth returned home. He published two poems, Descriptive Sketches, and An Evening Walk, which were not well received. However, friends arranged for money to allow him to concentrate on his writing.
At thistime Wordsworth met poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and the two became firm friends. They collaborated on a volume of Romantic verse called Lyrical Ballads (1798), which was notable for its attempt to use ordinary language in a poetic fashion. Later, Coleridge's drug addiction and erratic behavior put an end to their friendship.
In 1802 Wordsworth received money owed to his father, and he wasfinancially secure enough to marry Mary Hutchinson, an old childhood friend. Mary, William, and his sister Dorothy lived together in the Lake District village of Grasmere.
William published a two-volume set of his poetry in 1807, and once more it was met by public indifference and scathing reviews (by Lord Byron among others).
Wordsworth's happy home life turned to tragedy when two of his fourchildren died within a year. Shortly thereafter Wordsworth got himself appointed Distributor of Stamps for Westmorland, which brought him enough money to continue writing. Although his poems were critically panned, they were gaining a wide popular readership.
In the absence of success for his poems, Wordsworth turned to travel writing. He published a travel guide to the Lake District which proved verypopular.
When Robert Southey, the Poet Laureate, died in 1843, Wordswoth was asked to take his place. He initially refused, pleading his advancing age, but was induced by Sir Robert Peel to take the post. He was still Poet Laureate when he died of pleurisy in 1850.

Lord Byron

(George Gordon, London, Great Britain, 1788-Missolonghi, now Greece, 1824) British poet. Belonging to anaristocratic family in his country, lost his father three years. In 1798, the death of his uncle William, fifth Baron Byron, inherited the title and property.

Educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, curiously stage where he distinguished himself as an athlete, despite having a clubfoot of birth, Lord Byron lived a youth embittered by his limp and the protection of a mother of irritable temperament. Ateighteen he published his first book of poems, Hours of entertainment, and an adverse criticism appeared in the Edinburgh Review prompted his violent satire called English Bards and Scotch critics, with whom he achieved some notoriety.
En 1809, al ser declarado mayor de edad, Lord Byron emprendió una serie de viajes en los que recorrió España, Portugal, Grecia y Turquía. A su regreso publicó, comomemoria poética de su viaje, los dos primeros cánticos de La peregrinación de Childe Harold, que le valieron rápidamente la fama. El héroe del poema, Childe Harold, parece basado en elementos autobiográficos, aunque sin duda recreados y aumentados para configurar lo que sería el típico héroe byroniano –al que él mismo trató de emular en su vida–, caracterizado por la rebeldía frente a la moral ylas convenciones establecidas y marcado por una vaga nostalgia y exaltación de sentimientos, en especial el sufrimiento por un indeterminado pecado original.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Saint Mary Ottey, Great Britain, 1772-London, 1834) Poet, critic and British philosopher. Son of an Anglican priest, an orphan since childhood, he studied at Jesus College, Cambridge, where he befriended the poet...
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