Experimento aparato urinario

Páginas: 3 (563 palabras) Publicado: 3 de noviembre de 2010
Ferns are vascular plants that have no flowers and they don’t produce seeds, but reproduce by spores.
Usually found in moist, shady areas, although there are species adapted to a wide range ofhabitats such as tropical forests, fog, dry temperate and various environments. There are land, rupicola, epiphytic, aquatic and arboreal. Generally require high humidity to survive.

Mosses arebryophytes a class of plants with well developed leaves and rhizoids provided with hairs or absorbent
These plants grow abundantly in shady places on rocks, tree bark, soil and within the current or stagnantwater.
The flower is the reproductive structure characteristic of plants. The function of a flower is to produce seeds. For plants, seeds are the next generation, and serve as the primary meansthrough which the species are perpetuated and spread.
The flowers are seed producers. Flowers can have all the male parts, all female, or a combination. Flowers with all male parts or all women arecalled imperfect, such as cucumbers and squash, the flowers that have male and female parts are called perfect, such as roses and lilies.

Conifers are gymnosperms that produce seeds in female cones,consisting of scales arranged around an axis. The female cones contain external scales on one or more scales carrying eggs. These, after fertilization, become seeds. The pollen found in male cones areborn at the end of young branches of the year, usually in winter and mature during the spring months. The male cones are smaller and can be between 2 and 12 mm in length.

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Los helechos son plantas vasculares que no tienen flores y no producen semillas, sino que se reproducen por medio de esporas.
Por lo general seencuentran en zonas húmedas y umbrosas, aunque hay especies adaptadas a un rango amplio de hábitats como bosques tropicales, de niebla, templados y varios ambientes secos. Los hay terrestres, rupícolas,...
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