
Páginas: 4 (997 palabras) Publicado: 21 de febrero de 2011
Good Morning class, today I will be talking about Puerto Rican cuisine. As most of you already know I was born and raised in Puerto Rico. This is my first trimester at the Art Institute so my themetoday has been chosen based on what I know. The information I will share with you today is mostly based on what I grew up eating and my own experiences (SLIDE)
These are the main point I will bediscussing. I will keep it pretty straight and simple. Keep in mind that Puerto Rican cuisine consists of a lot more than what I will discuss today. This information is just a brief overview of what thisrich culture provides. Puerto Rico is a blend of many cultures and heritages and as such these have made a great impact on the cuisine.
I remember my house growing up always smelling like food, thearomatics in the house were always so prevalent that even hours after meal time was over the house smelled as if there was food still out.
And going out for a special meal was always a treat and mealswere always accompanied with music and a good time. Signature dishes are mainly what Puerto Rico is known for, it is these foods that identify the rich culture blend that is the Island.
Today I willgive you all a teaser of what to expect if you are ever visiting the Island, food is part of our pride and it is a way to show off how proud we are of being Puerto Rican. (SLIDE)
Puerto Ricancuisine has its roots from Spanish, African and Amerindian culture. Spanish influence came to Puerto Rio in the 15th Century after the Spanish discovered the Island. Wheat, garbanzos, capers, olives, oliveoil, black pepper, onions, garlic, cilantro, oregano, basil, sugarcane, citrus fruit, eggplant, ham, lard, chicken, beef, pork, and cheese are all some of the foods that came to Puerto Rico fromSpain.
African influence was introduced to the Island along with the Spanish conquest. Coconuts, coffee, okra, yams, sesame seeds, pigeon peas, sweet bananas, plantains, some root vegetables and Guinea...
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