Formato de referencias bibliograficas ift

Páginas: 3 (565 palabras) Publicado: 28 de octubre de 2010
Manuscripts intended for all sections of the journal and  the online journals must follow the name-year reference format of the Council of Science Editors (formerly Council ofBiology Editors). Cite only necessary publications. Primary rather than secondary references should be cited, when possible. It is acceptable to cite work that is "forthcoming" (that is, accepted but notyet published) with the pertinent year and volume number of the reference. Work that is submitted but not yet accepted should not be cited. To serve JFS readership and subscribers, as you prepare yourmanuscript please carefully consider papers published recently in the Journal of Food Science for relevance to your study. 
In text. Cite publications in text with author name and year. Use "andothers" rather than "et al." In parenthetical citations, do not separate author and year with a comma. Use commas to separate publications in different years by the same author. Semicolons separatecitations of different authors. Cite two or more publications of different authors in chronological sequence, from earliest to latest. For example:
• The starch granules are normally elongated in themilk stage (Brown 1956).
• Smith and others (1994) reported growth . . . . . . 
• ... and work (Dawson and Briggs 1984, 1987) has shown that ...
• ... and work (Dawson 1984; Briggs 1999)has shown that ....
In References section. List only those references cited in the text. References should be listed alphabetically by the first author's last name. Single author precedes sameauthor with co-authors. Type references flush left as separate paragraphs (do not indent manually, let the text wrap). Use the following format (note order, use of periods, and spacing):  
• Journalarticles: Author(s). Year. Article title. Journal title volume number (issue number): inclusive pages.
     Example: Citation in text: (Smith and others 1999): Smith JB, Jones LB, Rackly KR....
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