
Páginas: 4 (904 palabras) Publicado: 16 de enero de 2011
There is a general meaning for friendship of course that the most important is the one that you have. No one is alone in the world. A lot of people have different behavior but arecompatible with someone else. A friendship can last forever depending on the feelings that the friends share, is obviously that exist friends only by interest and just look for what they want withoutthinking of you. So friendship covers large different topics and feelings between the humans.
Let’s analyze a little about the meaning of this word. Everyone knows that the friendship is a value that everyperson has since their home because your parents, not all the time, are your first best friends. However put aside the think that is a value what it means for us, well specially for me, is that is avery important relation between a lots of people. Is like when we need something or someone the first person that you look for is your friend or most of the time he knows when you need some help. Thusfriendship is not a word that we can describe in five lines over a paper but in actions.
First of all, what we can say that a friend is..? Well if we describe a friend we have to remember all thetimes that he was there just for you even if he does not have time always tried of be by your side in the good ones and the bad ones. In your live you get to know a lot of different kinds of persons buta few ones stay in your hearth forever and guess what…? In that little group aside of your family who lead the group are your friends. Well your best friend because you waste a lot of time with themand create special moments that will last for so long. After your parents, you consider your friends more than anything.
That you look for your friends is a big lie because they come to you in thetime least expected. This relation is form by natural ways not forced by you or the rest. The friendship has steps. While more steps you past stronger is your friendship and stronger the relation with...
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