Glosario medicina

Páginas: 7 (1686 palabras) Publicado: 18 de febrero de 2012
(En español: Alineamiento)
Alignment means to bring into line. If your teeth aren't straight, their alignment might need a little help. You can get perfect alignment with braces, those little metal wires that move your teeth into place. They're not too bad - just a little uncomfortable at first - and after they're taken off, you'll have a straight and beautiful smile.
Ifyou're feeling crummy, it's probably because nasty bacteria or some other germs have gotten into your body and made you sick. Bacteria are so tiny that you can't see them with just your eyes, but there are thousands, millions, even billions of them all over you, inside and out! This might sound kind of gross, but lots of bacteria actually help our bodies. The good bacteria are good for us, and thebad bacteria can make us sick. They may be to blame for your next sore throat or ear infection!
(En español: Cerumen)
This word means wax. But not just any wax - it's earwax! Sticky cerumen lines the outer ear canal and helps trap dirt, germs, and other stuff that gets in your ear. So listen up - that gunk in your ears has an important job!

(En español: Diagnóstico)
The worddiagnosis is a fancy name for how doctors figure out what's making you sick. Doctors collect all kinds of information to find out what's making you feel sick by asking questions and ordering tests, like blood tests or x-rays. After you are diagnosed with something, doctors can treat you with medicine and other things to help you get better!
(En español: Enuresis)
Enuresis is the fancyname for peeing your pants. It can mean accidents that happen in the day or night, but most of the time enuresis refers to wetting the bed while sleeping. Not many kids talk about it, but many kids do it. The good news is that some kids will stop wetting the bed without any special treatment. Others may need to train their bodies to hold the pee longer and can get encouragement from a chart thattracks their dry nights.
(En español: Hilo dental)
Flossing each day keeps the dentist away. Why? Because flossing is a way of cleaning your teeth and gums. Dental floss is string sometimes coated with wax. When you pull it between your teeth, it reaches tiny places your toothbrush can't and pulls out bits of food and plaque that got left behind. So get out that floss and get to work!

(En español: Glucagón)
Glucagon is a hormone that raises the level of glucose (a type of sugar) in the blood. The pancreas produces glucagon and releases it when the body needs more sugar in the blood for delivery to the cells. When someone with diabetes has a very low blood glucose level, a glucagon shot (injection) can help raise the blood glucose quickly.
(En español:Hemangioma)
This is a big word for a type of birthmark. Birthmarks get their name because they develop on the skin of babies before or just after they are born. Hemangiomas are a bunch of tiny blood vessels - that's why they usually look red or purple. These birthmarks can be very small or quite large and tend to get bigger before they get better. Hemangiomas don't hurt and usually go away on their ownin a couple of years.
(En español: Ibuprofeno)
If you've ever had the the flu, you might remember that awful achy feeling. Ibuprofen can come to the rescue when you are feeling that way. Ibuprofen is a kind of pain reliever that helps ease aches and pains. After you take ibuprofen, it keeps the nerves in your body from sending messages that say "Ow! I ache!" to your brain, so you won'thurt as much. But remember not to take any kind of medicine without your parent's help.

(En español: Articulaciones)
Joints are the places in your body where bones meet. You have big joints - like the ones in your hips, shoulders, and legs; and itty, bitty ones - like the ones in your hands and feet.
(En español: Cetonas)
Glucose (a type of sugar) is the body's main energy...
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