Guerra de los siete años - seven years war

Páginas: 8 (1922 palabras) Publicado: 19 de marzo de 2012

“SEVEN YEARS WAR”(1756-1763)

El Castillo Colegio Internacional

Around the middle of the XVIII century, two of the largest and richest powers of the time, France and England, maintained a long fight commercial and territorial of the control of thecolonies, operating centers and natural supply. However, the annexation of Silesia by the kingdom of Prussia, the Austrian recuperation and the Spain protest about the pirate attacks began a new period of confrontation between 1756 and 1763 known as the Seven Years War. At the end of that period of time, the global geopolitical map would leave England as the ultimate beneficiary, to the detriment ofFrance, who nearly lost everything.
The incident occurred like this. In 1748 the proud royal House of Austria had lost all sovereignty over the prosperous region of Silesia (now Poland), at the hands of Frederick II, the "Great", King of Prussia. 10 years before the Treaty of Aachen, which put an end to the Austrian War of Secession and left as a lonely ruler Maria Theresa, Archduchess of Austriaand Queen of Hungary and Bohemia. Maria Theresa, who knew the military genius of the Prussian king, would not initiate hostilities without first provided sufficient support of friendly nations. Russia, Sweden, France and the Duchy of Saxony, came to her and promised military and economic aid. In 1755, Austria declared war to Prussia and England (allied interest of Frederick) and began immediatepreparations for the offensive.
The great Austrian coalition raised the concern of Frederick II of Prussia, who did not expect so great an opposition. Surrounded by various enemies, and virtually alone, ordered the immediate mobilization of military forces in Silesia. Probably convinced that await an attack would weaken his position, went on the offensive without a declaration of war. The impact wasswift, deadly and powerful. In the fall of 1756, Prussia invades Saxony (now southeastern Germany) and almost unstoppable, bends the area to pass without stopping to Bohemia. The rapid initial attack Prussian response limits the power of Austria, but once past the storm, Queen Maria Teresa reorganized their forces better.
Frederick II's troops were then in the Bohemian town of Kolin, when theywere informed that a large Austrian army was nearby. The small town pillaged, burned and about to disappear, then became the epicenter of one of the bloodiest battles of the War of Seven years. On the Prussian side, 20 000 men were members of the infantry lines and 14 000, the cavalry. On the opposite side, were 35 000 and 19 000 respectively. The shock was brutal. The largest number of excellentAustrian and disposal of their phalanges in one motion slowed the advance of Frederick II, who in the late afternoon, had expired. Prussia lost more than 13 000 men, but that was not the last act in the war which Federico executed.

Queen Maria Teresa received the news with clamor that the enemy was in the country's borders. Thinking it was an opportunity to regain Silesia, ordered a major newoffensive this time Frederick II, old and talented expert in the military art, was prepared. On November 5, 1757, when the Austrian troops were to meet the Prussian dealt a hard blow to them. More than 10,000 Austrians were killed or wounded, 12,000 were taken prisoner, and 116 cannons and 55 flags were stolen loot. However, the panic did not spread. Austria had the support of France for a frontand Russia on the other. Nothing could go wrong.
Is now when the talent of Federico II. comes out. Displaying a resistance zone along Silesia, is informed that the combined forces of France and Austria advance toward him in droves. Near the town of Lethe, the December 5, 1757, the new combat locks. The Austrians had 84 battalions of infantry, 144 cavalry squadrons, 210 cannons and 60,000 to...
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