Guia De Ingles

Páginas: 9 (2220 palabras) Publicado: 16 de junio de 2012

ESTUDIANTE: __________________________ Nº:_____

MENCIÓN:__________________ SECCIÓN: _____


How to greet: How to respond:
- Hi: Hello: Good Morning/ Evening - Hi: Hello: GoodMorning/ Evening
- How are you? - Fine, Thanks

How to introduce yourself and others:
- Hello, My name is…/ Iam Meet you
- This is… - Hi. Nice to Pleased
- He is… Glad
- She is…
- They are
- Let me introduce my friend…
To farewell
- Bye
- Good Bye - Bye: Bye, Bye: See you: So long
- So long
- See you (later)
-Bye, bye

To Express gratitude:
- Thanks: Trank you - You’re welcome
- Thanks a million/ a lot - It’s all right
- I apreciate it - Don’t worry, It’s OK

Expressing good wishes:
- All the best for you
- Have fun! - Thanks; Trank You.
- Enjoy!
- I hope you have a nice…
- Cheer up

A.- Complete these dialogues using the words in the box

1) A: We’re going toPaul’s birthday party
A: Were you invited?
B: Yes, but I’m not going because I’m leaving for Peru tomorrow


A: I’ll be graduated soon.
B: Good for you:________________
A: ______________________ The bad news is that I have to look for a job.
B: Bad news? Come on!You’ll find one very soon.

3. Write short dialogues:
a) You introduce to Kassie: b) Expressing thanks and good wishes to someone.
You:____________________________ ____________________________
Paul: :__________________________ _____________________________
You: :__________________________ _____________________________
Paul::__________________________ _____________________________
Kassie: :__________________________ _____________________________

c) To greet and to farewell your doctor at 4 pm.

B.- Choose The correct answer.
1.- Thanks for your gift: 3.- Henry, She is Nancy:
a) Sorry. a) Glad to meet you.
b) See you later. b) Sorry.
c) You’re welcome. c) Congratulations.
d) Congratulations. d) Cheers.

2.- You’re visiting your family on 4.-Mom, I’m going to a party:December 25th.
a) You’re welcome. a) Congratulations!
b) Merry Chistmas. b) Have fun!
c) Congratulations. c) Thanks.
d) Sorry. d) Sorry.

1. Sustantive (sustantivo): Palabra que sirve para designar seres, personas o cosas.
2. Adjectives (adjetivos): Palabras que determinan, califican o describen al sustantivo (expresa mayormentecualidades).
3. Adverb (adverbios): Parte de la oración que complementa, modifica, define o precisa el significado del verbo, del adjetivo. Ej: llegó ayer.
4. Pronouns (pronombres): Palabras que se utilizan para sustituir nombres o sustantivos.
5. Suffixes (sufijos): morfemas derivativos del lexema situados al final de las palabras: Ej.: golp – azo ; grand – ote.
6. Preffixes (prefijos): Morfemasderivativos que se sitúan al comienzo del lexema (palabra) Ej.: “moral” – “amoral”.
7. Conjuctions: Partículas invariables que sirven para enlazar y relacionar palabras u oraciones. Ej.: (“ni – ni ; al”).
8. Prepositions: Determina o concreta el significado de la palabra que la sigue, en relación a la que precede. Ej.: ir a la casa ( desde – hacia – de por)
9. Articles: Precede al...
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