Guia De Ingles

Páginas: 2 (268 palabras) Publicado: 3 de noviembre de 2012
Colegio Ejercito de Salvación
Profesor: Jacquelinne Guzmán
Practicante Marion Castillo


NOMBRE___________________________________ CURSO_________FECHA______________

1.- Relaciona las frases con los dibujos


1. have breakfast 2. go to bed 3. have a drink
4. have lunch 5. go shopping 6. go to the bank
7. have ashower 8. go for a run 9. go to work
10. have a bath 11. have a siesta 12. go swimming
13. get up 14. wake up 15. go for a walk

|to wake up|despertarse |
|to get up |levantarse |
|to go to thebathroom |ir al baño |
|to have a shower |ducharse|
|to have a bath |bañarse |
|to wash one's face|lavarse la cara |
|to brush one's teeth |cepillarse los dientes |
|to brushone's hair |cepillarse el cabello |
|to comb one's hair |peinarse|
|to have breakfast |desayunar |
|to read the paper|leer el periódico |
|to listen to the radio |escuchar la radio |
|to watch...
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