Horus and jesus

Páginas: 5 (1028 palabras) Publicado: 28 de marzo de 2012
The astrological savior

As far back as 10.000 B.C.E people have shown respect and adoration to this object, the sun. To understand why people do this we need to start from the beginning of time. Why do people shoe this great work ship and respect to the sun? it´s because in the morning the sun rice’s to bring vision, warmth, and security to human kind, saving us from the cold, blind, anddarkness night. Without the sun the civilizations wouldn´t been able to survive because he make the crops grown and he gives life to the human kind. These realities make the sun the most adoring object of all times.
Like the sun there are also the stars. By studying stars people can predict and know events that have happened during years, like the solar or lunar eclipse, the stages of the moon, thetides and the crops. A select group of stars called constellations are the ones that give shape to the zodiacal signs. The zodiacal signs are the representation of these stars and how the sun passes throughout all of the sings during the year. It also shows us the twelve months of the year and the four seasons. The sun is represented as the creator of all the things, the invisible power, thesavior of the human race, and the God sun. The zodiac symbols were personified and given forms so we would be able to recognize them. The zodiac symbols represented the places by which the God sun passed through and they were represented by elements of the nature, for example Aquarius, it´s represented by the water.
Horus is the son of the Egyptian God sun. His figure it´s represents by ananthropomorphous figure is a man with a bird head and on his head he has an aura that is the representation of the sun. Horus had an enemy, Seth, he was the personification of the dark or the night, and the legend tells that all nights Seth kills Horus, and in the mornings Horus kills Seth. Horus was born on December 25th of the virgin Isis. Its birth was enunciated by the star of East that was followed bythe three kings. At the age of 12 years he was a prodigious professor, and at the age of 30 years was baptized. Horus had 12 disciples with whom he traveled making miracles. He was betrayed, soon crucified and at the 3 days he resurrected. These attributes of Horus have been used by other Gods. In order to understand this topic we should talk about Jesus.
Jesus is the son of the almighty. Jesushas an enemy, the devil that before he was born tried to kill Jesus without being able to obtain his goal. The only way form which his enemy was able to damage him was through the creation of his father the human race. Spite of all the attempts the devil did to kill him, they were never achieved because Jesus would always be in our heads and hearts, even if we don´t believe in the same god. Jesuswas born on the 25th of December of the Virgin Mary. The birth of Jesus was announced by the star of East, that later was followed by the 3 kings to adore the new savior. At the age of 12 years he was a prodigious professor. At the age of 30 he was baptized. He had 12 disciples with which he traveled making miracles, was betrayed by Judas, soon it was crucified, and to the 3 days he wasresurrected.
It is possible to explain the birth of both gods through the study of astrology. The star of East, Sirius is the shining star that on December 24 aligns with 3 other stars that represent the 3 kings. Sirius and the 3 kings are aligned to indicate the exit of the sun on December 25th. With this the 3 kings followed the star of East, to be able to locate the exit of the sun, the birth of the son.The Virgin Mary is the constellation Virgo that also is represented by the house of the birth.
There is another event that is quite surprising. From the summer solstice to the winter solstice the days become shorter from the point of view of the North hemisphere. In past centuries this represented the death of the sun. Close to December 22nd the sun is at the lower point and for 3 days the sun...
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