
Páginas: 2 (495 palabras) Publicado: 18 de noviembre de 2012
Independence of Mexico
It all started….
When napoleonic france encroached spain in 1808 in mexico movements formed that searched the Independence in September 16 1810
Hidalgo gave shout ofDolores for fight against the people of spain
The situation of indigenas castas o slaves those social groups always were of submission but until 1800 was more difficult because the grouºnd was on hands ofpeople of spain or criollos so the indigenas and castas only remained to sell their strength in times in poor condition ,also the wages was very low and many times paid in species that accumulatedmany debts
The blacks keep it up in condition of wages and working in jobs more tough in the mines

Internal causes
The desire for independence of the Criollos , who wanted political and economicfreedom to freely develop their economic activities, whose productivity was hampered by the trade control by the metropolis and the establishment of a regime of monopolies, imposts and obstacles.
Theweakness of Spain and Portugal during this period, which had lost its prominence in Europe. This became even clearer when Napoleon invaded the Iberian Peninsula.
The discontent of the Creoles, whowanted independence for colonial change a system they considered unfair by being excluded from politics, economics and found exploited.

External causes
Liberal ideas spread throughout the worldthrough the Encyclopedia.
The meetings outside of the top leaders of the revolution and the participation of some liberal revolutions in Europe, and their contacts with foreign governments that gavethem the possibility to have external support and funding sources needed for their projects independence.
The example of the United States of America, which had become independent of England, andthe example of France, whose revolution proclaimed the equality of all people and their fundamental rights, things that Indians and to a lesser extent with the natives had no regarding the peninsular....
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