Informal Settlements

Páginas: 7 (1671 palabras) Publicado: 18 de mayo de 2012
1. Introduction
2. Informal settlements
3. Zones of the informal settlements
3.1. Slope
3.2. Creeks
3.3. Rivers
4. Problematic
4.1. Economic
4.2. Social
4.3. Ecosystem
5. Municipal interventions
6. Conclusion

1. Introduction
Whit this Project we want to inform you about the life conditions of low resources social class populations and how these people use thoseterritories.
We also want to show the relations inside these communities and how the pollution that is created in these communities affects the ecosystem.
We are not going to talk about this as a social issue but as an urban problem and what happens in the city, we are going to analyze this problematic to a national level showing how displacements produced by violence in the whole country and how thesekinds of settlements are generated.
Another objective is to show how the state tries to incorporate those communities to the city trough social projects by constructing public buildings school, hospitals, sport, complex, parks etc, in search of a better quality of life.

2. Informal Settlements
The informal settlements in Medellin happen in different places such as those near rivers, creeks,and the peripheral mountains of the city. Normally the people that are implicated in these settlements are the ones that were displaced by violence and people who don’t have any jobs. Due to their economic conditions they are forced to get a hold of private lands without thinking on the conditions of danger, lack of sanity and public services, and only thinking of having a place with a roof to passthe night. They also happen because the government doesn’t exercise enough control or planification over the public lands, but the social conditions are without a doubt the most powerful motor that enables this type of marginal growth.
Although the areas of river basins and hills constitute residual areas of such planned developments, these also suffer later from the processes of settlementaggravated by its topographical condition, and difficult accessibility defined by the limited access to the normal development processes and evolution of the city.

You can get a clear view of this in the topographically abrupt areas, where the environmental impacts (deterioration in the environmental axes, contamination of water resources) are accentuated, and the physical destructuralization canbe seen (overcrowding in the slum areas caused by the absence of planning).

3. Zones of the informal settlements
In our city it happens in the following places
3. a Peripheral mountains of the city:
The mountain side settlements are localized generally around the ways and in the top of the suburbs, usually these terrains are very craggy, with high slope and clay soils, so in these terrainsare dangers to build a house. These one are losing compaction every winter and these falls easily because the weight of the houses.
Example of these can be barrios Santo Domingo Sabio, Pajarito, El Picacho, el 12 de Octubre, Santa Rita, Pinares de Oriente, among others. These occur because of the excessive growth of the cities, that because of the high concentration of buildings in the centerthe new residents are forced to move to the periphery that in a geography such as the one in Medellin it results in the mountains. This are the places that have higher risks of land sliding because they are not lands suitable for constructions and besides sometimes the bad processes in which the buildings are constructed damages more the land resulting in more land slides.

Santo Domingoneighborhood

Pajarito Neighborhood
Picacho neighborhood

12 de Octubre neighborhood

pinares de oriente neighborhood

3.b Edges of rivers and creeks:
In the city the riversides are occupied by poor families and displaced persons, these families are settling in river inundation zones, each river has an area of retreat on each side, when the residents are occupied these areas, they are in...
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