Ingenieria civil

Páginas: 3 (718 palabras) Publicado: 26 de marzo de 2012
Civil engineering is the branch of engineering that applies the knowledge of physics, chemistry and geology to the development of infrastructure, primarily buildings, waterworks and transportgenerally large, for public use. Not only this, is the engineering of civilization, a term that extends beyond the infrastructure.
includes land use plans such as disaster prevention, traffic control andtransport, water management, utilities, waste and all activities that ensure the welfare of humanity that develops life on the civil works constructed and operated by engineers.
It was the need whomade the first civil engineering history. In Spain is regarded as the first civil engineer Santo Domingo de la Calzada, the saint who built part of the Camino de Santiago, mainly bridges.
The greatancient cultures, such as Greek, Egyptian, Roman, among others, adequately resolved their problems without any engineering degree, however, those great builders of pyramids, temples, undergroundducts and drainage water had extensive knowledge of mathematics, and had clear expectations of its people, which resolved correctly. These builders were the first engineers of mankind. There were nopublic schools (or private) far less engineering classes. Knowledge in these areas as provided in the temples, and only a very small population, called priests, had the necessary understanding to carryout major construction.

Contemporary civil engineering in Spain start with Agustín de Betancourt. Agustín de Bethancourt, from the Canary Islands, travels to Paris, where he studied civilengineering at the Ecole de Ponts et Chaussées. On his return to Spain founded the School of Engineers, Canales y Puertos de Madrid in 1802. The aim is to create a corps of highly educated engineers who couldundertake a major expansion of civilian infrastructure in nineteenth-century Spain.
The knowledge needed to practice civil engineering are:
• Knowledge of calculation of strivings and strains in...
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