Ingles Guia

Páginas: 27 (6746 palabras) Publicado: 13 de enero de 2013
Texto Instructivo: Los textos instructivos son las instrucciones que están presentes diariamente en nuestra vida cotidiana, tanto en la escuela como fuera de ella. El uso mismo de los medios tecnológicos nos exigen seguir instrucciones permitiéndonos el manejo de este tipo de textos instruccionales. Los textos instructivos tiene el propósito de orientar los procedimientos en forma detallada,clara y precisa para realizar alguna actividad ya sea simple o compleja, según dos características:
Guían sobre como accionar algún aparato o sistema como por ejemplo: los manuales de uso de materiales tecnológicos, arreglar artefactos, etc.
Explican como elaborar algo a partir de elementos y procesos, dividiéndose en la lista de elementos o materiales requeridos y el procedimiento en sí,desarrollando las instrucciones. Por ejemplo: Una receta de cocina, como tejer un sueter, etc.
prunes, 3/4 kilo
sugar, 2 tablespoons
flour, 150 grams
milk glass l
eggs, 3 units
salt to taste
1. Place milk, flour, eggs, salt and sugar in a bowl 2. Beat all well.
3. Cool in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
4. Grease a baking dish withbutter.
5.Colocar plums and cover with dough made ​​earlier.
6. Add the sugar and bake, as hard as possible, for 4 or 5 minutes.
7. Serve warm from the same source.

2: slice of bread
1: mayonnaise jar
1: a slice of lettuce
1: sliced yellow cheese1: sliced tomato
1: sliced onion
1: a slit chili

1: first you pass themayonnaise to the bread slice.
2: then put a slice of ham on the bread and then a slice of cheddar cheese.3: s then a slice of tomato and onions are placed on top ofCheddar cheese.
4: and finally go the slice of lettuce and slice chiles.
5: end it joins the two slices of bread with the ingredients and then the bread board and ready to try a delicious sandwich____________________________________________________-
Paper bag sized
Template or drawing of the animal chosen
Frost, wool, cotton, feathers, etc.. of different colors

1. Color the design chosen animal, without leaving the edges.
2. Place, with a brush or your finger, rubber in the details that will spread the frost or other decorative material. You can ask forhelp if you think necessary.
3. Spread the frost on the details you need to highlight or paste wool, cotton or feathers according to the texture you want to give your puppet.
4. Let dry so they do not take off the bells and whistles.
5. Carefully cut each piece of the animal, along the lines.
6. Paste in the paper bag: head first in the share of the bottom of the bag.
7. Then thelower jaw below the fold.
8. Finally the tube body in the bag.
9. Put your hand in the bag and go talk to your animal.

How to operate in an ATM

To enter the cashier swipe the card through the slot next to the glass door of the Bank in the position shown in the image.
Wait for the light comes on and push the door.
Insert the card into thedesignated slot in the correct position (see illustration)
Enter your security code or PIN, after it is requested on the screen. Then press the Confirm button.
Select the operation to perform.
Select finish operation.
In case of an extraction, remove the money.
Remove the proof of the operation and then the card.
(Cookies easy)ingredients:
100 gr. flour,
500 gr. shortening,
1 teaspoon baking powder,
1/2 cup of warm boiled water,
1 1/2 cup sugar.
Preparation: Everything is mixed in the order listed and knead for 20 minutes. Let stand half an hour the dough and start to cut out the cookies.
Bake at 300 gr. for 25 minutes.

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