International herald tribune

Páginas: 7 (1621 palabras) Publicado: 12 de febrero de 2011


The International Herald Tribune is a widely read English language international newspaper. It combines the resources of its own correspondents with those of The New York Times and is printed at 33 sites throughout the world, for sale in more than 180 countries. The IHT is part of The New York Times Company. It has been based in Paris sinceits founding in 1887.

A Short History

On October 4, 1887, James Gordon Bennett Jr. published the first issue of the New York
Herald’s European edition. From the beginning the Paris Herald’s world news coverage was, for
its day, remarkably extensive. Bennett brought to Europe such innovations as the linotype,
color comic strips, and half-tone engravings of news photographs. He was the firstto give
sports events front-page play and one of the first to give prominent attention to the news of
science and medicine. A pioneer in cable communications, Bennett was also the first to use
radio to send news.
After Bennett’s death in 1918, the Paris Herald continued the tradition of adopting new
technology to better serve readers. In 1928, it became the first newspaper distributed byairplane, flying copies to London in time for breakfast. The paper survived the Depression of
the 1930’s without missing an issue, and was interrupted only by the occupation of Paris in
June 1940. It resumed publication in December 1944.
After two changes of ownership following the death of Bennett, and a merger with the New
York Tribune which resulted in the creation of the New York HeraldTribune, the paper and its
European edition were sold in 1959 to John Hay Whitney, then U.S. Ambassador to Britain.
Although the New York paper closed in 1966, Whitney was determined to keep the Paris paper
alive, and to this end The Washington Post and The New York Times joined the paper’s
ownership. On May 22, 1967, the newspaper appeared for the first time under its new name,
the InternationalHerald Tribune. In 1991, The Post and The Times purchased the Whitney
interest and became equal co-owners.
The IHT retained its independent spark after the 1967 ownership change, it continued to
strengthen its reputation for clear, objective presentation of significant international news. Non-
American readers, only one-third of the paper’s audience in 1970, outnumbered American
readers by1980, and now form more than two-thirds of the total readership.
In the 1970’s, the IHT renewed its tradition of technological innovation. In 1974 it pioneered
the electronic transmission of facsimile pages from one country to another with the opening of
a printing site near London. A second site was opened in Zurich in 1977.
In 1978, it became one of the most technologically advancednewspapers in Europe by
installing a wholly computerized editing typesetting system. In September 1980, another
historic step was taken as the paper began to send page images via satellite from Paris to
Hong Kong - becoming the first daily newspaper to be electronically sent from one continent to
another, making it simultaneously available to readers on opposite sides of the world.
In 2003, The NewYork Times acquired full ownership of the IHT as part of its long-term
strategy to reach the world’s best audience with the highest quality journalism. Today, the IHT
has timely access to the unparalleled news resources of The Times and an expanded network
of its own correspondents to provide readers with an international, independent perspective on
global news and events.


JamesGordon Bennett Sr (1794-1872) - self-described as the "Napoleon of the newspaper" - was born in Scotland
By 1822 he had moved to New York and during that decade held a variety of positions (including as a translator and newspaper correspondent in Charleston, Washington, Boston and New York).
After attracting attention as the Washington correspondent of the New York Enquirer he founded the...
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