
Páginas: 7 (1585 palabras) Publicado: 9 de octubre de 2012
The ashley history

Many years ago a girl I used to be very rebellious and her parents could no longer control it and spent more time as I used to be less uncontrollable.

it hurt her parents make the decision to send her to a boarding school, because they feared that in acavara missteps but the best for her.

and began to inquire about internship options and came to the conclusion that oneof the best boarding was located in canada.

asly refused to go to boarding school to which her ​​dad wanted to send.

Finally the day came when her parents took her against her will.

asly sad yet angry parents just looked at her in the eyes and he left very disappointed.

came to settle in the bedroom where four girls used to be with her five other girls saw them with contempt.

sinceasly was very arrogant, selfish, conceited, egotistical and Rasist.

She went to bed without speaking a word, and lay staring at the ceiling.

The first days were very difficult for her because not lived with anyone, and I used to hear music and be alone with no contact with anyone else, so we had trouble making friends.

one night the girl while she slept asly wanted to make a joke, so shedecided to cut a piece of hair.

asly realized what he wanted to do because he felt the presence and realize, was very aggressive which led her to her hair cut the other girl and started arguing and this caused the director and responsible for bedroom were directed towards the room to see what was happening by the screams were very strong.

once entered the bedroom was separated and told themthat the next day was waiting in his office.

early were the two girls at the boarding school and the punishments were very severe, very ugly they used to punish, beat them and gave them clean the entire basement punishment.

when girls were cleaning, felt something strange, which ocaciono them very afraid.

but asly was strong, and did not show any fear at that time, followed by cleaningand felt something move, but took little notice, thought they were mice.

who followed when cleaning, a box fell out and she cried, and decided to run away from there.

darkened and shortly afterwards went to their rooms, and they were both very serious and talking of what happened in the basement.
asly then the challenge to not only down to the basement. and his companion to contradictaccepted his challenge.

everyone waited for sleep to come down to the basement and do not say anything.

that the basement was a forbidden place and only with the permission of the director and caring for children could get in as there were several stories of that place.

the director and the caregiver often did not touch upon the basement of that would not let her go at night to the basement,and events occurring yet they did not understand.

that night, once in the basement asly and his partner (Natasha) were normal and extra stuff asly immediately left that place and told Natasha that the challenge was that she was alone.

and Natasha moved away further into the basement, everything in that place was dark and lonely.

few minutes later one yell at natasha asly that already hadbeen slow to come out and this made her worry about her, something that asly not used to.

An View the hours passed and did not come out, was for a lamp to search before dawn and realized that they were in their bedrooms.
when he has the lamp, down to the basement and start searching.

natasha surprise was that she was dead, seeing her lying on the floor full of blood and horror much all Iwanted was to leave the boarding
when they came back to her room crying because she felt guilty for what happened to Natasha and was traumatized to see apart as had been his companion.

once saw natasha asked them where he was and that none of them told him where he was and that they had not seen.

asly and became very nervous, told the manager that last night saw her leave the bedroom and...
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